Holee shit! If you type "gooch" in the Lycos search engine, I'm the number two site that shows up. Pretty cool. I also found this link, which could be my new catch phrase. Here are some of my favorite catch phrases from the past:
"To the Batmobile!"
"I love it when a plan comes together!"
...And now... some bizarre catch phrase that I found on some obscure link on Lycos.
Friday, January 25, 2002
Thursday, January 24, 2002
The following is an email I generated and a response I got from a gentleman at KATU. Good question, good answer. The only issue I have with television news is why so much is spent on marketing instead of bringing us as much news as possible. I'm desperate for a decent news source in Oregon.
Why weren't any news helicopters in Portland able to get an aerial video-shot of that 80 minute chase recently? I was really surprised.
Thanks for your time,
-----Original Message-----
From: Smart, Bob [mailto:BobS@katu.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:01 AM
To: 'jgallucci@*********.com'
Subject: car chase
2,6,&8 usually come in at 10am so that they can work us till 7 at night,
because of this they have to call in the pilots if something happens before
10. the problem with that is we ourselves get stuck in the same traffic and
almost never get there in time.
money is to tight for them to hire extra pilots and they don't pay overtime
either, aviation has strict rules on the amount of hours you can fly per day
so they try to cover the times they feel are most important.
hope this answered your questions,
if you would like more info let me know
I'm very proud of my friend Nathan Spear for all of his accomplishments and for running the Olympic torch on Tuesday.
I looked "Definition" up in the dictionary. The fuc*ing book exploded. Don't ask me to look "synonym" up in the thesaurus.
I've contacted Portland's television news stations asking why none of them got an aerial shot of a recent high speed chase. None of them will respond. ALSO: check out KPTV's website. Their "guestbook" is a nothing but a spam generator, complete with a phony "password."
I'm in my office, typing the URL "www.officedepot.com" and suddenly (keep in mind that I'm at my REAL job and not just doing this stupid website) a whole lot of porn starts popping on my screen. You know, the window after window popping up on the screen as you desperately try to close them like the whack-a-mole at the arcade. After closing the offending windows, I looked at what the last URL I typed was: www.officdepot.com. Pretty clever. I'm going to go see if www.microsof.com is available.
< gratuitous bathing suit shot
I looked "Definition" up in the dictionary. The fuc*ing book exploded. Don't ask me to look "synonym" up in the thesaurus.
I've contacted Portland's television news stations asking why none of them got an aerial shot of a recent high speed chase. None of them will respond. ALSO: check out KPTV's website. Their "guestbook" is a nothing but a spam generator, complete with a phony "password."
I'm in my office, typing the URL "www.officedepot.com" and suddenly (keep in mind that I'm at my REAL job and not just doing this stupid website) a whole lot of porn starts popping on my screen. You know, the window after window popping up on the screen as you desperately try to close them like the whack-a-mole at the arcade. After closing the offending windows, I looked at what the last URL I typed was: www.officdepot.com. Pretty clever. I'm going to go see if www.microsof.com is available.