Check out this douchie-douche. Some jokes are fucking hilarious... this being one of them. The guy's going to be the funniest guy at the soup kitchen, I guarantee it. Apparently this broadcast live.
Click here for the video: WEATHERMAN NIPPLE VIDEO
Friday, September 14, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
I've done a little research on the whole Wal-Mart/Big Box store phenomenon and how it has caused the downfall of the small business in communities. Wal-Mart, for so many reasons, sucks. However, most communities don't have Joe the grocer, Sam the butcher, and Eddie the produce guy. I don't think there are any non-box stores in our neighborhoods. I mean, I like Trader Joe's but even it's getting a bit corporate and playing to the hippie chic crowd that feels better about themselves simply because they spent an extra $2 a pound on "organic" produce. I live about a mile from a Wal-Mart and shop there only because the only local "small" businesses it's hurting are Fred Meyer and Safeway. I'm sure that those two stores alone put some independent business people out of business, and I'm sure no one made a documentary about that.
South Park wins Emmy for "World of Warcraft" episode.
Fucking sweet. I downloaded and watched this episode while in PDX after missing a flight. Good stuff.
Fucking sweet. I downloaded and watched this episode while in PDX after missing a flight. Good stuff.
So, Britney Spears bombs at the Video Music Awards? Everyone except the VMA producers saw that coming, didn't they? Nope... the producers knew what was going to happen. They knew she wasn't prepared. They probably paid her bar tab when she partied the night before the show. Everyone knows Spears is a psycho out-of-shape has been. Her antics have sold more celebrity sleaze magazines than any phenomenon as of late (I've even bought a few) and MTV seemed to think her performance was headliner worthy? No other talent was more qualified to open the VMAs?
MTV knew what they were doing. They did the same thing that US Weekly, OK, Star, In Touch, and others (the ones listed are the only ones currently on my coffee table) are doing: exploiting the mentally ill to make money.
Hey Britney, with that body and that outfit I could probably get you a day shift at Montego's.

Making her way up to the main stage... indeed.
MTV knew what they were doing. They did the same thing that US Weekly, OK, Star, In Touch, and others (the ones listed are the only ones currently on my coffee table) are doing: exploiting the mentally ill to make money.
Hey Britney, with that body and that outfit I could probably get you a day shift at Montego's.
Making her way up to the main stage... indeed.