Faces of Hangover... a chilling snuff series of films. Starring Me.
AudioBlog from the morning after Greg's wedding:
I think I'll do a podcast soon. I feel one brewing in my gut. That could just be the two days of wedding food I've consumed. We'll know either way in a couple of hours.
Greg and Betsy's wedding was nervewracking. I served as the Best Man, the Minister, and the Emcee of the reception. I've never been so honored and petrified at the same time.
A small group (around 10), who knew in advance that they'd be too drunk to drive home, got hotel rooms and partied in Silverton. We found a bar that served $2 drinks - every drink was only a couple of bucks.
"Gooch," you ask, "every drink... even Patron?"
Yes. And we emptied the bar's bottles of booze in the order of most expensive to least.
Starting with the Patron.
Then we decided to head out.
The rest of the evening was a bit hazy. Beers and other beverages from inexplicable sources were placed in my hand throughout the night. At some point I decided to head back to my hotel. I walked a couple blocks before I realized that I had no idea of where my hotel was located nor what the name of it was. So I did what any responsible individual would do.
I sat on a sidewalk bench and began the process of passing out. My head had slumped over and my eyes began to close when I heard my name called. I raised my head and a bridesmaid and her friend were in a car asking me what I was doing. I thought it was clear as to what I was doing. They knew better than I did where I was staying, so they checked me in and got me to my room.

My room in Silverton
I woke up in my hotel room bed the that morning. It was a nice room. It had an extra bedroom and a jacuzzi tub. I took a bath and after 40 minutes in the tub, I named one of the jets "Chad."
It would have been the nicest room I'd ever thrown up in, had my impending vomit come to fruition. I got dressed back into my tuxedo, because my bag with change of clothes was in my friend's car. I walked out of the room and downstairs onto the streets of Silverton, OR. I came across some friends from the wedding and we had breakfast. I never had time/opportunity to change, so I returned my tuxedo with it on me.
Listen to the audio post at the beginning of this blog. It's captures my genuine hangover and surprise, and the wonderment of where all my shit had ended up.
gooch: out