Thursday, May 23, 2002
Monday, May 20, 2002
The first time I saw Star Wars (Episode IV), it was on a Betamax machine. The year: 1978. A long time ago, in a zip code far, far away, I was four years old, learning the importance of morality and ethics while watching bootleg videotapes. In the tradition of my youth, I'll watch Episode II for the first time on my computer. It'll be grainy, like the old Betamax. It'll be a copy that was filmed with a video camera in a theater, like the old Betamax. It won't be in stereo, like the old Betamax. 
Ripped off Lucas, you have.
Where's the popcorn?
Ripped off Lucas, you have.
YO yo yo - I'm back on the filesharing tip... bustin' out the sweet downloads. I gots the shiznit right up in here: KAZAA LITE. Click it and recognize. No spy-warez or pop-ups creepin' up on me. Peep that shizzo.
Sunday, May 19, 2002
I'm thinking of doing a wireless web component of this site, viewable on PDAs and some cell phones. Email me if you check this site regularly and think that my efforts will be well spent. I did have a internet-ready cell phone and thought that the internet service was too cumbersome. But, let me know.