Howard Stern post:
Artie Lange's Cupcake
Dolly Parton threatening to sue Howar Stern over spliced audio bit
Howard Stern show website is blocked with a content filter at my current location. I went to unblock-me and was able to surf blocked sites without any problem at all. Check it out, yo.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I keep having the same problem with Excel 2007 (a spreadsheet program) where it crashes when I try to do a simple task. I've tried this on other computers/networks and experienced the same problem.
I called Microsoft and had the support guy go through the steps that were causing my, as well as other's, systems to crash. In a victory to end users everywhere... it crashed on the Microsoft support guy as well. "This is serious!" he exclaimed. He then went to his supervisor and came back, reporting that "It's a glitch, not an issue," meaning not a lot of people are calling on this problem. Basically, they're not going to fix it until enough people complain, or they get around to it. Whichever comes first.
Pretty amazing for a piece of software bundled in a $400+ suite. Not for me... every Microsoft item on my computer is pirated using Last XP. Hell, if I could get fake Microsoft keyboards and mice, I would, just to complete the theme. I would have a framed picture on the wall of Bill Gates... but it wouldn't be him, but a guy that looks a lot like him (easy to find... I'll snap pictures of random guys at Reed College's next Renn Faire) with a fake autograph. You see where I'm going with this? Neither do I.
Check out Open Office.
Gooch: Microsoft Certified Professional since 2002. Still working on my elusive Commodore 64/128/Amiga certification. It's a motherfucker.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I'm feeling lazy today. I found something cool on the internet and instead of posting it and writing about it myself, I sent it to Geekologie, so he could write about it. I even got some props:

Apparently, I destroy hard drives with sensitive data with my teeth. I guess that sounds better than "Thanks to Gooch, who charges customers extra for data destruction and then dumps the drive in the nearest gas station trash can."

Apparently, I destroy hard drives with sensitive data with my teeth. I guess that sounds better than "Thanks to Gooch, who charges customers extra for data destruction and then dumps the drive in the nearest gas station trash can."
That wouldn't be funny if I actually charged customers for data destruction.
This is what Sarah Jessica Parker wore to the London premiere of 'Sex and the City'
A 19" hat with a fake butterfly shoved into it? Right now there's two fashion designers sitting in a room laughing their asses off screaming things like: "I told you she'd wear it... It looks like the top of her head is vomiting... I mean didn't you buy the butterfly from party depot... Jesus tap dancing christ... you owe me twenty bucks."
Thanks to Wolfe for pointing out that the links in my Mortal Kombat post are switched.