Friday, May 29, 2009

Tweet that didn't make it...

If I was in a wheelchair, I would always cross the street against the light. If someone yelled "hey, it says 'don't walk,'" I would just look at them and smile.

The Hangover

Gratuitous? Who cares?

I haven't had much to write this week. This has been the longest short week ever. I have had all of the ambition of 'The Dude' in The Big Lebowski. One day I did remote support for four different customers. Normally, I would have just gone on site. However, my goal that day was to not have to put on long pants. Victory was acheived through (no) hard work and (a serious lack of) determination.

I think I turned Memorial Day Weekend into Memorial Day Week. Next week will be a show of self control as I pledge to not drink (except for after soccer) and only eat sushi one day all of next week. I will clean the house, play with the cat, and go to sleep at 9pm. After next week? Fuck it.

Big 'Pub Crawl' tonight.
Along Foster Road in Portland

Start Time:
Friday, May 29, 2009 at 9:30pm
End Time:
Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 2:00am

I'll Twitter when we hit the first bar and then each one after that until, you know, I pass out. The Twittering posts on this site to the right and to my Facebook, as well as my Twitter page. Because I'm a tool.

This event brought to you by the JGFC.

I'm not the founder (a guy named Joe is). I have been cockblocking myself since 2001. But I have lost 20 pounds since that picture was taken. That picture was taken not too long before I passed out on that bench in Silverton. What a life I lead.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Possible titles for my upcoming autobiography:

"'No... really... if I Use a Condom, You'll Still Be a Virgin:' The John Gallucci Story"

"Perspiration and Desperation: The John Gallucci Story"

"'Wait a Minute... You're Married?' The John Gallucci Story"

"'If You're Here, and I'm here, Then Who's Flying the Plane?" The John Gallucci Story

Oh, this one could go on for a while.

Best unused T-shirt idea I heard from a guy named Tony:

"I survived hurricane Katrina and all I got was a 52" plasma TV."


I'm not saying he should have done it...

...but I understand.

Man Mows Down Traffic Cop to Avoid Parking Ticket

Morning Wood, Sunday Edition.

Since this girl (specifically, some Playboy pictures I posted of her a year ago) is responsible for 90% of this site's traffic (that's right... 9 hits a day for her alone), and she has a great big ass... well... enjoy.

Tweet that didn't make it

...I have a dream that one day black people will be featured in fast food commercials and not be either rapping, beat boxing, doing the running man/dancing, or saying "Love that chicken!"

I think it's a valid statement, I just wasn't in the mood to spark debate/discussion on Facebook.
