Saturday, March 25, 2006
Tonight I DJ at Montego's at 158th and Division. It'll be good to get back behind the mixing board I barely know how to work and the computer that I'm convinced is going to crash at some point during my shift. Otherwise, new amp and mounting rack for the audio components definitely look cool.
A girl that dances at the club told me she wants to be my girlfriend. How come all of my relationships begi when there's alcohol involved and after I've seen the girl naked? She's cute as hell and even met some of my best friends, but I'm leery on the trust issue.
Regarding the cheating blog: It wasn't about anyone I know. I saw a sitcom and related its subject matter to, honestly, my own experiences. I don't have time to think about your problems. I mean, if you want to fuck your boss, or one of your customers, or a neighbor while your in or they're in a relationship... go ahead.
I'll see you in Hell.
I'm going to the gym. I'm fully blaming my medication (an 1850mg cocktail of psychotropic drugs) for my laziness and weight gain. It's not sexy.
Today's a day filled with gym, work, and steamer clams at Pal's Shanty with my posse.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Oh, I guess the part about leaving that whore of a girlfriend of yours was meant to spark a little bit of discussion. I mean, that passage almost makes it seem as though men don't cheat. As far as I know, they don't I have never had a man cheat on me. Also cheating appears to be relative as in the case of the boyfriend walking in on his stripper girlfriend giving me a blowjob. She later told me that if we were simply having sex it wouldn't be a big deal, but because it was oral, is was a betrayal. I've heard of other people stating that oral is worse than sex and that kissing can be as bad.
It's too much to figure out. I'm staying single.
It's too much to figure out. I'm staying single.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I went over to my friend's house to eventually go out for drinks. She had gotten a new digital camera and, as is somehow natural for women who get new digital cameras or camera phones, she took a picture of herself in some form of undress and showed it to me. She had photoshopped the picture "artistically" and wanted me to look at it. I didn't show a lot of interest in the picture and this caused her to complain.
"Gooch... you didn't even look at it!" she exclaimed as I grabbed my keys, eager for a drink. I responded:
"I get naked pictures sent to my website all the time and I'm a strip club DJ. Why don't you take a picture of your teeth and show it to a dentist."
And speaking of... I've cut my hours down at the strip club. I'm only working Saturday nights now. The hours were killing me during the day.
I caught the last five minutes of an episode Mad About You, a 90s sitcom starring Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt. Apparently in this episode it was revealed to Paul that Helen fucked some other guy while they were dating but before they got married. I was actually yelling at the screen for him to leave her at the function they were attending. Maybe she could fuck some other guy and get a ride home. If he couldn't trust her while they were dating, why the hell should he trust her while they were married. "It was a moment of weakness... it happened two years ago."
Bullshit. If you're a guy that is currently with a girl that cheated on you... get off my website. If you don't respect yourself than I sure as hell don't respect you. You can find someone better, trust me. You buy your girlfriend drinks, dinner, and some other guy gets a free ride? Some other guy gets to know that he boned your main squeeze while you wondered where she was? Fuck that. Get rid of her. Don't be a chump.
Oh, at the end of the show they ended up dancing together. Fade to black. They don't show every night he has to think about some guy boning his wife while she lies there next to him.
So again, if your significant other chose another man over you one night and you choose to be with her, go out and buy a dress, a PT Cruiser, and a Macintosh.
Piece of Ass of the Month:

Debra Lafave... My Lafavorite teacher ever.
Hot, indicted for a sex offense, and bipolar? Oh, man, get me the digits.
"Gooch... you didn't even look at it!" she exclaimed as I grabbed my keys, eager for a drink. I responded:
"I get naked pictures sent to my website all the time and I'm a strip club DJ. Why don't you take a picture of your teeth and show it to a dentist."
And speaking of... I've cut my hours down at the strip club. I'm only working Saturday nights now. The hours were killing me during the day.
I caught the last five minutes of an episode Mad About You, a 90s sitcom starring Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt. Apparently in this episode it was revealed to Paul that Helen fucked some other guy while they were dating but before they got married. I was actually yelling at the screen for him to leave her at the function they were attending. Maybe she could fuck some other guy and get a ride home. If he couldn't trust her while they were dating, why the hell should he trust her while they were married. "It was a moment of weakness... it happened two years ago."
Bullshit. If you're a guy that is currently with a girl that cheated on you... get off my website. If you don't respect yourself than I sure as hell don't respect you. You can find someone better, trust me. You buy your girlfriend drinks, dinner, and some other guy gets a free ride? Some other guy gets to know that he boned your main squeeze while you wondered where she was? Fuck that. Get rid of her. Don't be a chump.
Oh, at the end of the show they ended up dancing together. Fade to black. They don't show every night he has to think about some guy boning his wife while she lies there next to him.
So again, if your significant other chose another man over you one night and you choose to be with her, go out and buy a dress, a PT Cruiser, and a Macintosh.
Piece of Ass of the Month:
Debra Lafave... My Lafavorite teacher ever.
Hot, indicted for a sex offense, and bipolar? Oh, man, get me the digits.