I want to be a Hilton
You've got to be shitting me. Kathy Hilton, the mother of the most classless, skankiest slut on the planet is hosting a reality show where she teaches others etiquette, food appreciation and living high society life.
Kathy, who the fuck are you? Why don't you have your own daughter on the show? When your rich, socialite daughter stars in one of the best selling porn DVDs of all time, you're pretty much disqualified from telling people which fucking fork you should use for your salad. When South Park dedicates an entire episode to calling your daughter a skanky whore... when your daughter interrupts a blow job to answer her cell phone... Did Paris have a father figure growing up or is she merely looking for one in every asshole with a camcorder she meets?
Why does she bother wearing clothes? Which episode of 'Hilton' does Kathy discuss subduing tit and beaver shots and home movie lighting? Why am I so angry?
Is it me or does every fat, black actress find it necessary to give themselves a single, french name? Mo'Nique... Jackee... Others I can't think of.
Live 8: not watching it.