My friend is moving into someone's house and this bag is among the owner's things still left in the house. Timber Lanes is the original name of a bowling alley (now known as Hollywood Bowl) in Portland. I think this is the first place I ever bowled. I would kill for this bag. My friend asked "do you even bowl?" I admitted I didn't, but I would start if I knew I could rock this bag in the various bowling alleys around town. I wouldn't even bowl - I'd just hang out in the lounge with my bag and a wrist wrap and a can of PBR.
DJing last night knocked me out for today. I had to wake up and work a little today. Got not a lot else done. Still working on getting the podcast on iTunes. Once that occurs, I'll start producing more bits. It'll be fun. I actually did "audio blogs" and "video blogs" on the now defunct "goochradio.com." Then Steve Jobs fucked me again and created podcasts.
I think I'm staying in tonight. I finally feel healthy again; don't want to fuck it up.