Thursday, December 30, 2004
Monday, December 27, 2004
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Good take on La Skanque. I'm not a fan; her best work so far has been an amateur sex video. That's hot... indeed. Otherwise, you take away the money and she's merely a slut for which my home of East County is known for its abundance. Word. Fuck'n A. gooch:OUT
Friday, December 24, 2004
Check this out: Click HERE for fake boob test.
Getting through the holiday season okay. Not committing to so many parties/events this year. Reconciliation with the ex is working out okay after all.
Shopping this Christmas has been fun. I waited until Wednesday night to do ANY Christmas shopping. The girl formerly known as "ex" and I went on a spree that covered three stores and five hours. Gift wrapping that night went until 2:30am. 'Tis the season to be sleepy.
Meanwhile, the parking lots are full and I never realized how many white SUVs there are in Gresham until I've looked for my car in a crowded parking lot.
I'm gonna get my responsible drink on tonight.
Merry Christmas, schmucks.
GOOCH:jolly indeed.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Friday, December 17, 2004
I've got and office and a bar party to go to this weekend. That's it. I can say whatever I want right now... no matter how mundane it is... because I've got a picture of some chick's big ass leading off this blog. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. 1234567890. It doesn't matter. You're hypnotized. Nothing to say = gratuitous ass shots. Blah Blah Blah.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Word. I just completed my first bootleg DVD using a program called DVD Shrink. Check it out, yo.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
I love the Sirius radio. Yesterday I received 100 shares of Sirius stock from my Father for Christmas. The stock is already worth $300 more than when he purchased it last month. There's a chance that prick Stern can help me retire before 35.
Meanwhile, another ex-boyfriend pounding on the door at the sight of the GOOCH-1 in the ex-girlfriend's driveway. Phone calls asking to answer the door rang from 2:00am to 4:30am. What am I supposed to do? answer the door? I needs my sleep. Yo.
Monday, December 13, 2004
It's ironic that the wedding occured on the anniversary of my divorced parents' marriage and that I myself can't sustain a relationship to save my life... despite the fact that I just brought two people into a state of matrimony. Oh well... I'll figure this stuff out eventually. My latest reconciliation is looking like a crash-and-burn. At least I was given the opportunity to work through issues I had and maybe allow myself to have a healthy relationship someday. I've spent a lot of time being "the other guy" for several different girls. It's an okay scenario when you just want to get laid, otherwise it's painful. It's fitting for me but shallowness was only meant to be temporary.
Everyone that told me that my latest relationship endeavor was a bad idea should know that I appreciate their concern, but I had to figure stuff out on my own... and this is the best way to do it. No matter the outcome, I'm happier. Notice the self control that I've displayed for almost two weeks. No benders. I feel like I have a super-power; like I'm Moderation Man! I'm tired.
Moderation Man:OUT
Ymike's (The groom) Xanga Site
Thursday, December 09, 2004
I'll never write anything as good as that again. Okay... someday I will. I've stayed sober for over a week... I drank, but I've not done the crazed liver assault that would have typically happened by mid-week. Clarity is a motherfucker, but making an ass of yourself and trying to remember what you did the next day is no way to go through life. I think that I've suffered for nearly eight months from heartache. I never dealt with it other than with drinking. I've tried to move on by dating good looking girls, but I always ended it because I was too hurt over my ex - or they ended it because they sensed the same thing. Also, this is a small town and when you date enough girls they end up hanging out with each other, which drives me fucking nuts; talking about me the same way old ladies talk about laundry detergent or carpet cleaner... I'm not an appliance. I'm also not a role model. Read the "Breakup Column" linked above and know that It's the rantings of a bitter man who'd just come to the conclusion that the world is screwed up and your worst fears will always be realized. If you think your girlfriend or someone you're dating stood you up to fuck a guy... just act like you know it happened. They won't deny it, likely. If you think it happened, it probably did. Don't kid yourself... don't become your own worst enemy. Follow your heart? Your heart is a fucking idiot. Your friends know best. Better yet, follow your dick and put a ball gag on your heart and throw it in a box... like the Gimp in Pulp Fiction. Only pull your heart out for special occassions, like a kid's birthday or something. Sobriety sucks... but it's necessary. Moderation is the key. I no longer have to drink myself passed out in order to get through the night or even simply be social. Whatever happened and is happening this week is a series of events that has knocked me from a depressed funk to being, well, angry. My best friend in the fucking world just said to me: "It's easier to be angry than sad. Maybe not easier, but it looks cooler."
I... I think I'm back. I became ordained online and am honored to be performing a wedding ceremony for YMike and his fiancee Jenna. They're getting married on my parents' wedding anniversary. My parents marriage... another reason I'm screwed up. Maybe last weekend and this weekend are so absurdly surreal that they were meant to give me a message to shut the fuck up and move on. I feel like jogging, just running as fast as I can for as long as I can. That would last about 20 seconds. I've got to get the day started. I'm pumped. I'm energized. I'm moderately sober.
I'm Gooch, dammit.
It's 2am... I've got a drunk girl in her car in the parking lot in front of my condo. she won't get out of the car. She just moans and holds her position. She's completely fucked up. I don't want to leave her out there, but there's no moving her. I've stalled, fighting with my ex for a while. I don't know what to do. Do you? I've even said "the bears will get you," which is what I used to say to my ex-girlfriend's son (you laugh... but it almost worked). By the time anyone reads this, she'll have puked in her car. Shit... i'm tired and want to go to bed. This designated driver stuff is bullshit. I picked the wrong time to stop binge drinking.
Fuck it, I'm going to bed. i've locked her in her car and unlocked the front door to the condo.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
I'd volunteered to participate in a "Wet Lab" put on by local police and liquor control officials. What I did was drink from 9:30am to 2pm in an effort to get drunk so that bartenders in the area would get a chance to observe and identify drunks in a controlled environment. I was already hurting from the night before and actually passed on breathing into a breathalyzer before drinking, should the previous night's binge result in a positive responde from the breathalyzer. I consumed nearly a fifth of Jack Daniels, almost unheard of for these events. I blacked out around mid-day. I do know that I wouldn't quit engaging the Troutdale Chief of Police in conversation. I also was drunk enough to ask out the City Attorney for Troutdale... she was drunk enough to agree to it. I believe all commitments are null and void when your blood alcohol level is above .20. I'll have to check the rule book.
After that, the next thing I remember is waking up... again... on my friend's couch. I was wingmanning for him on his date that evening. A date which involved... drinking. I ran into the one girl I've actually really liked since the end of my last serious relationship. I quit dating her because I "couldn't get into dating" but I would have liked to have seen her sometime other than the tail end of what would be a 32 hour drinking binge.
I did take some of that Hangover Stopper supplements you can get everywhere. They seemed to work. I think they're just charcoal tablets, which you can buy anywhere and have been available forever. No hangover, though. I believe I am suffering from some chemical inbalance which has resulted in a severe depression. This sucks. I want to crawl in bed and cry but I've got goddamned work to do. I'm sure the whiskey liver-bath is to blame.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Anyone in to skateboarding in the eighties knows who Mark "Gator" Rogowski is. I just watched a documentary on his life - a life that saw the heights of financial and popular glory and the lows that led to a 31 year prison sentence. Interesting stuff. Here's some links:
Village Voice article 12-8-92
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Friday, November 26, 2004
By: John Gallucci, age: 30
Date: 11/26/04
I'm thankful for Viagra enhanced sex...
...but not for the Viagra enhanced hangover.
I'm thankful for my part time bouncing gig at the local pub...
...and for girls who dig bouncers (for some reason).
I'm thankful for my Sirius satellite radio system...
...and for not having to listen to the shitty fucking DJs the Portland market yakked up.
I'm thankful for Lindsay Lohan...
...and hand lotion.
I'm thankful for Jack Daniels...
...and Diet Coke.
I'm thankful for my friend's hot tub room...
...and for girls without bathing suits.
I'm thankful for the battery backup that saved this blog from getting lost.
I'm thankful for all of my ex-girlfriends who have somehow managed to still hang out with me.
I'm thankful for my Nextel phone...
...and the friends to whom it connects me.
I'm thankful for all of my clients at my job...
...and the fact that they don't know this site exists.
I'm thankful for Chang's Mongolian Grill...
...only because I'm about to eat there in half-an-hour.
I'm thankful for bartenders that don't cut me off...
...but not for the goddamned hangovers.
I'm thankful for my futon...
...actually, I hate that fucking thing.
[to be continued]...
I'm thankful for ellipses...
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
That's pretty diabolical for a thirteen-year-old. Get this kid a fucking Playstation 2.
Word. Working at Skyland Wednesday night, Thanksgiving Eve, and Friday and Saturday as well.
Huge shoutout to my friend Marty, who celebrates his xxth birthday today.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Brian Bosworth and MC Hammer in one movie. It looks like the pilot for The Surreal Life.
Friday, November 19, 2004
I love PSU, I remember the falls especially. Good times. Harvey’s can be done, let me know. My friend gets tickets all the time.
Gooch:too drunk to type… Really. You know I’ll hang out when and wherever.
I’m plowed…. I’m reading my email and not remembering most of it… I just wrote it. What “falls” am I talking about? Jesus…
Crap. I need rehab or something. Further proving the notion that people like me better when I'm drunk, a girl gave me her number last night and I don't remember getting it. I met her two weeks ago when I was stone sober and she said she had a boyfriend then. Basically, incoherent Gooch is more appealing than sober, polite Gooch.
Sober Gooch isn't into dating anyone at all and drunk Gooch is asking for phone numbers. Sober Gooch isn't calling them, though. I didn't drink and dial last night, thank God. I need a cell phone that requires a breathalyzer to dial out. I hate going through my dialed call list on my phone and seeing numbers that I don't remember dialing. I'm pissed that drunk Gooch ate junk food last night but pleased that he left a Rock Star energy drink in the fridge next to the bed.
GOOCH:Living La Vida Drunka!
I've gotta get out of East County.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
The movie Malice yielded the best line (soliloquy?) ever. At least, the best line delivered by a Baldwin and modified by me. Sweet.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
I decided to publish a column in the "Columns" section that I wrote a couple days ago. It's not edgy and even debatable if anyone besides myself would benefit from it. It's my website, my server, so I guess I have the right to throw stuff like that up periodically.
Its in the Columns section in the menu above, or just click here: 1111 The Bryce Column.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
YMike sent this to me suggesting I "just add [a fifth of vodka] and 'Presto!' instant holiday liquid meal!"
I might do that the day before Thanksgiving or something. Before I checked my email I went to the liquor store and bought... a fifth of vodka. I'm stocked. The way I stress out around the holidays, how I absolutely fucking hate the holidays... this might not be a bad course of action.
Oh, I really came off sounding like a pussy with last night's blog. I was tired, incoherent, out of my mind. I really was unable to interact with people on any level. I took a picture of my eyes because I was so tired that I wanted to see what they looked like. I did have a shitty weekend and I guess was so conscious of my tired, burning eyes that I thought I should capture the moment. I do like the new U2 album, but it occurred to me today during coffee that the story of the new U2 album master being "stolen" and suddenly released on filesharing networks two weeks before the release date of the actual album and U2 selling out all over Apple's iPod is all one manufactured marketing sceme. Hey Bono... sell your goofball conspiracy theories to the tourists. The bullshit-o-meter here in the GoochCave went off the second I downloaded your first illegally acquired track. What's up now? Hey, The Edge: Webster's called, they want their noun back.
Achtung, Baby... indeed! Gooch the fuck out.
Monday, November 08, 2004
I'm writing this as I unwind from a blur of a weekend. Party, work, tragedy, romance, revelations, haircut... a microcosmic lifetime was lived by me over the last four days. The mellow, pleasantly simplistic subject matter of the latest pirated U2 album - currently a track titled "Sometimes You Can't Make it on Your Own" is playing gently through the speakers on my computer. I'm tired and anxious... hurrying up to wait for nothing to happen.
I like this new U2 album. I wish I was listening to it on a crisp night on the beach with a bottle of domestic beer in one hand and a cute girl's hand in the other. We'd be wrapped in a blanket in front of a small fire with five or six friends. That would be so perfect.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Not that I'm complaining... it's not like I work eight-hour days. It's just that I don't think I've had a full day off in the last month. It's cool, though, because work = money = unhindered bender. I'm not drinking tonight. I think I'm gonna watch the news as I fall into a Xanax induced coma. Got an agenda tomorrow. An itinerary. Tanning, workout, and a haircut.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Is there any worse of a feeling than putting a condom on, screwing a girl, um... finishing, pulling out, reaching down to remove the condom only to discover that it's not there?
Maxim party this week. I'm going. Where's my camera? Go to the "PICS" section in the menu above to check out last year's fun.
Wow... I've not really done a lot of updates, yet I've nothing to say. I'll try to seek out adventure this week and write about it.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Monday, October 25, 2004
Ashlee Simpson? I'd have thought nothing of it until she blamed the band, which makes her a total, graceless, no talent bitch. I actually dig the "Pieces of Me" song, secretly singing along with my windows rolled up as I drive down the street. Don't tell anyone... that's just between you and me. With all of the stories being generated by her publicity camp this late after the event, I'd have to assume that it's all bullshit. Ashlee: redeem yourself and pose for Playboy. It's the next logical career move. I've got one word for you: Tiffany. Give me a call, Ashlee. My number is in all 4318 fan letters I've sent you, including the ones where I enclosed a pair of my boxers.
Okay, Gooch, now you're just being a sick fuck.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Saw Van Halen in concert last night. I remember using my Commodore 64's "paintbrush" program to replicate the "VH" logo. I remember the Sammy vs. Dave debates. I remember getting the Diver Down tape for my 10th birthday. And now... I'll remember my friend Marty backstage with the band last night holding his Nextel up to Eddie Van Halen's face and having him say "Hi Gooch."
After the show I gave Michael Anthony a run for his Jack Daniels drinking money. Sober Gooch eats low carb, drinks in moderation, goes for walks everyday or even swims. Drunk Gooch goes to 7-11 at 3am, uses Sober Gooch's credit card to buy Twinkies and hot dogs, and leaves a fucking mess for Sober Gooch to clean up.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Going to see Van Halen tonight. Should only be the coolest night ever. The only thing cooler than seeing the show would be to hang out with the band in a Rose Garden luxury suite prior to the show, which my friend Marty is doing. Sweet.
Ran into my friend Jenn, a fixture in my life about nine years-ago. She walked into Skyland last night as I was going to leave, probably around 9pm. We left at closing time. I think. I had five Red Bull and vodkas last night. I woke up at 6:30am with my heart fucking pounding! It's why I'm up right now.
I'm freezing my fucking balls off. Shout out to Mike Henry, Greg Moore, Lee, Marty, JKAZ, JNAU, the people who make Red Bull, anyone who manufactured the defibrillator that will undoubtedly be used on me sometime today, the people who made the Xanax that kept me from crying like a schoolgirl with a skinned knee yesterday, your Mom, and the people of Canada.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Monday, October 11, 2004
Rodney Dangerfield died Tuesday, October 5th at age 82. Rest in Peace Rodney.
Christopher Reeve died today.
"I'll give you $20 to kick him in the head."
The "him" in the offer was me and the offer was made to a stripper wearing enormous platform boots. We weren't isitting at the rack of the classiest of strip clubs by any means. I'm sure that for a fifty, this girl would have cut my heart out with a pizza slicer. Drunk enough that my eyes weren't fully tracking, I turned to my friend as he sipped his gin and tonic to laughingly tell him to go fuck himself. It was at that moment a patent-leather heel kissed the top of my head. I would have said something but the inebriation and the possible concussion stunned me momentarily, taking away the chance to say something. I looked at the smiling stripper and my friend merely looked at me, also smiling as he slipped her a Jackson.
My friend's eccentricity was acceptable as he was going through some personal turbulence. No serious issues... just the kind that seeing a stripper kick your friend in the head would alleviate. If slamming my head into a wall would make him feel better, I'd probably do it because I'm a good friend... and a fucking moron. We were on day three of a semi-bender, resolving personal and professional issues not through discussion or personal reflection, but through alcohol and drug abuse. Strip clubs merely peppered our journey around the city. "You guys are back again" one stripper said to us." I replied "what do you mean?"
"You were here last night."
I didn't believe her. I turned to my friend and asked him if we were there
the night before. He nodded yes. Fuck... I gotta lay off the sauce.
Next day: I groggily approach the day... fumbling for the remote which is somewhere
under the covers next to the home phone, the cell phone, and my glasses that
I accidentally left on as I fell asleep. Depending on how late I slept in, I
either watch the news or a movie on American Movie Classics. The excellence
of the AMC movie or the boredom inspiring mediocrity of the television news
inspires me out of bed. I grab a sugar-free Red Bull from my bedside beverage
cooler (word). From there I commute to the office twenty-feet away and plop
down into my sweet hand-me-down leather office chair. I turn on my computer
monitor and wait with anticipation as my applications load up. The computer
is like a portal into my immediate future. Emails requesting work, due bills,
fresh music and/or porn from BearShare.
Next night... who knows what happened. Woke up on a couch.
Next day's hangover kicked in as I rolled over in my bed and turned on the
wall mounted TV above my bed. A big, fat, depressed guy in a blue sweatshirt
appeared on the screen. Fuck, it's me. My new commercial came out hella early.
I hope I've dropped some pounds since I filmed that. A unique and depressing
way to start the day. My friend calls me up and says that he bought a lottery
ticket. If he wins the $157 million he promises that he'll buy livers and have
them cryogenically frozen for when we wear ours out. An occurence that could
easily occur within the next three weeks or so, at the rate we're going. I smile
at the possibility of two American tourists waking up in Brazil or some godforsaken
place naked in a tub full of ice with a note and a phone. The note reads "call
a hospital, your liver has been removed." When I get my new liver I'll
have it soaked in Glenfiddich prior to insertion to ease the pain and give me
a head start to the day.
Did I really write "hella?"
I gotta go: GOOCH:out
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Gooch Super Cam
User name: gooch
Password: gooch
Give it a shot and let me know how it works (I'm testing it for my day job).
Saturday, October 02, 2004
It's been three days in a row without a binge drinking episode. Coherence and lucidity isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'm sleeping better, though.
Thursday, September 30, 2004
This is outrageous. Knocking the proof of the traditional black label Jack from 86 proof to 80 proof. Read the story... there's a quote from the editor of Modern Drunkard Magazine. Sweet.
I drink Jack Daniels black label. It's the staple of my alcoholic diet. "Jack and diet" is pretty much all I order when I go out. It's the one constant in my turbulent life. Why fuck with it? Jack Daniels whiskey has been 86 proof since Tibetan Monks started producing it in the early 1600s. Four-hundred-years later the distillery in Tennessee is messing with the traditional recipe? Why subtract six-proof when that six-proof may be the only thing between me and a toaster in the bathtub?
Jack Daniels Official Website
Modern Drunkard Magazine.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Word. I forgot to celebrate John Holmes birthday this year. It was August 4th, but you already knew that I'm sure.
3:11am. I'm sitting back admiring the development of my kickass office. It still needs some work... sort of like the Death Star in Return of the Jedi. Like... you know it's going to kick ass eventually. Star Wars references, won't get you laid. Trust me. I maxed out the blogger system at 699 blogs. I drank at JNAU's place of employment tonight, went home, passed out at 8:30pm, woke up at 12;30am (four fucking hours later - standard length of sleepy time for me as of late) then met a friend for more whiskey. I'm sitting in my crib, listening to Blink 182, shirtless wearing a Hawaiian shell necklace. I'm plotting where to place a box of envelopes, how to redo an invoice, and watching my left hand shake involuntarily. What the fuck is that? I also get muscle spasms in my eye, which is a common malady apparently.
Confidential message: Okay... I'll quit drinking for two weeks if you do.
Now what? I should start reading something. I've got the Reno 911 box set to watch. I wake up to nightmares and sweat dripping off my face. It's 3:30am. It's 4:05am. Crap. This "Hawaiian" shell necklace was made in the Philippines. I'm yawning too much. My webcam doesn't work... i should call a computer guy to fix it for me. These computer things are complicated. I'm afraid to even touch the keyboard for fear that I'll break the computer. I miss my Commodore 64. I'm gonna fall asleep in my leather office chair. It leans back. 4:12am. sleepy. sleepy. lawn gnomes.
Monday, September 27, 2004
I love this picture. Thanks JNAU for forwarding it to me. I've finally dug up all of the office supply stuff that I stole from my former employer and have set up the beginnings of a cool office. My old rubber band ball and Silly-Putty are put into my new set of drawers. Between setting up the office, watching Star Wars and the Reno 911 First season CDs, I don't know how I make any money. Shit... I spent two-and-one half hours this morning at my friend's house watching Buck Rogers reruns on a big screen. Wilma's still fucking hot. Yo. I haven't pleasured myself to Erin Gray in fifteen years. God... that brought back memories.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
I had a moment of peace the other night. I'd gone on a date, dropped her off, then met up with two friends at a strip club. Two friends, a beer, a dollar, a brass pole, and a big assed blonde stripper. Suddenly, for a brief moment, nothing was wrong in the world. My life was like a domestic beer commercial. In a time when I loathe relationships, people want to randomly kick my ass, and I recently made a drunken ass of myself days earlier, the peaceful nature of being was a welcome change of mood. It's gotten to the point where I do sweat the small stuff, but when there's a whole fucking lot of small stuff to sweat, I find humor in how fucked up the situation has gotten. If I was a Jew being marched into a death oven, I'd probably be in line saying something like "I hear it's the humidity that kills you." No matter how bad you think things are in the world, no matter how far in your mouth you're holding the gun barrel, just remember that time takes care of most problems. Time, porn, and alcohol. Although, alcohol tends to lead to more problems than it solves. I do contend that alcohol solves problems. At least, it postpones them for a while.
I'm going to read this shit in twenty years and wonder what the fuck I was thinking when I wrote it.
Friday, September 24, 2004
As of late, I've become a little predictable in my behavior. I drink too much, eat too much, work too little, party like there's no tomorrow (and when tomorrow does come... I wish it hadn't). Am I complaining? Nope. One day I'll grow up and miss these days. However, I have developed quite a few bad habits that perhaps an afternoon at a chalkboard might help me break. All I need is a box of chalk, a chalk board, and this list:
I will quit buying Viagra over the internet.
I will not date or have sex with married women.
Jack Daniels should not be drunk directly out of the bottle.
I will not get drunk and hit on girls in front of their boyfriends.
I will not make out with strange girls in public.
I will not make out with any girls in public.
I will not be a cliche.
It's okay to stop drinking.
I will not post fake news stories about my death on the internet.
Thanks to Marty for forwarding this story to me... and for a glimpse into the future. Old School, baby.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Naturally, my friendly inquisition of his intentions pissed this personification of a COPS episode (jeans, jean jacket, white tennis shoes, scraggly hair, cigarette, fucked up eyes... he looked like he was just pulled out of the back of a police car) off enough that he wanted to fight me. I may be on a diet of Jack Daniels and bar food, but he looked like he was on a diet of heroine and methamphetamines. Jack trumps meth, right? Whatever. Some people that knew the guy went out to diffuse the situation and I went inside and bummed three cigarettes, which I chain smoked.
Could have got laid last night. Opted to be held. I'm a fag.
Living la vida Gooch.
Friday, September 17, 2004
So, I'm secretly digging the new Nelly/Christina Aguilera track "Til't cha head back" but the Curtis Mayfield song that they're singing over (Superfly)is much cooler to listen to than this new endeavor. Beastie Boys "Egg Man" from Paul's Boutique also heavily samples Mayfield's Blaxploitation theme song from 1972. It's cool, though... just not so much from Nelly/Christina.
I lead a tortured existence. I'd go to AA, but even the group leader would probably take me out for drinks afterwards. The main problem is that I don't have any real problems, so I have nothing to complain about but I'm still bitter about shit, but I can't say anything because people will say "you don't have any real problems" and then I'll go absolutely fucking nuts, then I'll take a xanax, then I'll sleep for four hours, then I'll bitch about only sleeping for four hours and then some asshole will inevitably say "I only slept three hours last night" and I'll say 'good for fucking you.'
Working at Skyland tonight. Live music there this evening. It'll be fun. - Coroner: 9 drugs found in Rick James' system - Sep 16, 2004
Thanks, YMike. Originally, Rick James' family stated that the singer died from "natural" causes. RJ had nine drugs in his system... naturally.
Note: My comments regarding making out with girls or anything of that nature are not meant in any way to disrespect any girlfriends, past, present, or future. I've never expected anyone I've dated to check on this website, so I haven't posted with that in mind. I love my ex and her son and only think the best of her.
It's 4am... I'm nightmarish right now. I can't find my favorite blanky to help me sleep.. I can't even find my favorite porny, also to help me sleep. "They Live" is on American Movie Classics. Fucking... sweet.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Winnco, the 24-hour discount grocery store. It's 24 hours, but from midnight to 8am is when the store crew works at restocking the shelves and cleaning up. This means that helping you, saying hi, or acknowledging you when you want to do something so bothersome as to pay for your groceries seems out of the question at 2am. I'm not complaining, Diet Rockstar energy drinks, the staple of my alcoholic (and non-alcoholic morning) diet sells for $1.58 whereas I've been paying $2.25 elsewhere. Diet Rockstar's white 18oz. can looks like a beer and whenever I go to an early-morning job (10am or so) people have stopped me because they thought I was drinking beer. They only think that because the can looks like beer and I'm probably buzzed from the night before.
Holy crap, I need to sleep. Star Wars Trilogy DVDs come out later this month. Someone said on the TV that it was the first "digital release" of the films. Tell that to my Laserdisc collection, bitches. I'm out of it... really tired. Hopefully I'll look coherent tomorrow. It's 3:18. Out:gooch
Monday, September 13, 2004
On your best day you're not as smart as me on my worst day.- Judge Judy
Funny thing at a bar, mention a porn website around a group of guys and watch ears and eyebrows perk up. Some guy said "milfhunter" and three guys (including me) turned, acknowledged, then looked away. Funny.
I got nothing... I'll think of something and get back to you. Gooch:ouT
Monday, September 06, 2004
I just got done swimming. While at the pool I went to use the bathroom and there was a sign on the door stating: "This bathroom is closed because someone left an unsanitary condition in the toilet."
Most everyone I know does that on a semi-regular basis. But we usually flush afterwards. "What the fuck happened in there?" I pondered outside the door. I didn't want to find out and decided to use the women's restroom. Was there a human head in the men's toilet? what could have possibly happened? The suspense is killing me but trust me, you won't get an update on this topic. Word.
This one was from nine days after a girlfriend with whom I lived for two years (together for four) broke up with me. I love going throught the old blogs. I haven't changed a bit.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
In other news: Man accused of stalking ex-girlfriend with GPS
Sweet! It's good to know that cellular phone technology is being used to bring couples... closer together. Whatever happened to stealing a girl's cell phone bill and seeing who she's been calling? Remember when just going to a girl's work three times a day for months was enough to peg the creepy meter on 'high.' I long for the days when putting a semen deposit on a someone's pillow or shooting one through a slightly opened window in her parked car onto the driver's seat was enough to say "I love you" without really saying it. He should read my Breaking Up column in the "columns" section of this site (see menu above).
You can email these posts now, I guess. There should be a link below this post.
Saturday, September 04, 2004
May cause drowsiness (a good thing).
May cause excitablility (a bad thing).
What kind of drugs are we doling out that can cause such a wide range of side effects? Is it just "wait and see?" I'm perplexed. I'm also feeling a bit drowsy. Who knows. Who cares.
I left the Pub early last night as well and apparently someone showed up to see me right after I left. They called my cell phone (which was out of range at the time, so no caller ID) and left a message stating "I came all this way and you're not here!" I have no idea who it was. I've asked a few people and no one I can think of showed up. If you know who it was, email me. And if it was you: I'm sorry.
Sort of...
GOOCH:license to [be] ill.
Oh, I was drinking in my friend's garage last night and we started talking about shows going crappy. I referred him to Jump the Shark. Check it out, yo.
Just had a strong craving for red wine... weird.
Loving my new executive big leather office chair. It leans back in order to give me that pompous executive, condescension effect.
Friday, September 03, 2004
I slept in what seemed to be two-hour shifts last night. Damn. It's 7:18. I've got to wait around for that FedEx box. I am, by the way, sitting on a sweet black leather office chair that my friend and favorite client gave me. It's so choice. It's used but it feels good to sit in when I update this website, send invoices, or download smut.
Oh, my yahoo instant messenger ID is: goochthecolumn, since people have asked me about IM.
Back to bed. I have a strange FedEx package that's been attempted to be delivered twice to my house. I'm not sure what it is. Almost nervous. Anthrax a couple of years too late? A human head, like in Seven? I've already ordered my Viagra for the year. What could it be?
I'll keep you posted, I'm sure the suspense is torturing you as much as it is me.
Gooch:out again.
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Not an impressive event. The presenters' scripts have historically been too scripted and awkward. This year's was no different. Dave Chappelle, the funniest man alive, came off as unfunny... as though he didn't have a script and just ad-libbed during the time alotted. The final song performed by Outkast's Andre 3000, "Hey Ya" was almost sung in protest with the singer's hand in his pocket and prefacing the song with "for the millionth time..." Anyway, MTV sucks. They killed the radio star, they've killed the video star, and they've killed awards shows. MTV is like a cancer. Fuck them. MTV2 is airing shows now instead of videos during parts of the day. Soon we're going to have to wait for MTV3 to see videos again.
At 8pm last night I was driving to Winnco, contemplating shopping with the last of my cash and going to sleep early. Suddenly, my Nextel beeped and before I knew it I was on my way to the Budweiser bar owner appreciation party with my friends Marty and Rob.
To Barracuda's we went. Once inside, I soaked up the atmosphere and a whole lot of complimentary low-carb Bacardi coolers (wild cherry flavor). I acheived that euphoric moment where I'm walking by myself, drink in hand, and everything is is slow motion. I've got a shit-eating grin on my face and nothing is wrong in the world. It's an experience that can likely only be attributed to a raging alcohol problem, but fuck it.
Swimming time. Gooch:OUT
Monday, August 30, 2004
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Ymike, in his infinite wisdom, has solved all of my dating problems. SWEET!
Gooch's dating tip #42: If you bring a girl to a club, don't make out with another girl on the dance floor.
A predictable disaster. Meanwhile, a female friend called me from an Ultimate Fighting competition where she was on a date. She needed to be rescued as the excitement of men beating the fuck out of each other couldn't compete with the sheer horror she experienced during conversation time. "I'm in hell," she reported to me over the phone. A bad night for dates overall.
Also, I nicked my goatee with a razor while shaving, so I had to amputate the whole thing. Now people can see my face, which doesn't help me on the dating scene.
Fuck. My mood is very "Empire Strikes Back" right now. Dark and complex with only a hint of optimism.
What the fuck am I talking about? How does a person sit in front of a computer and type incessantly about nothing of any real consequence. I could do this all day. Nothing but carpal tunnel would stop me.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Fuck that.
Oddly enough, the truck had a "Sun Glow Heating and Air Conditioning" sign on the back. Sun Glow was my first employer out of high school. I called the owner, they remembered me. I told them to find out what the guy's problem was and I'd call back tomorrow to find out why he was yelling at me. Maybe I did something wrong, I have no idea.
"Shame on you?" I'm Catholic and, well... I'm me. I've got enough guilt without having random people pointing at me and yelling that I should be ashamed. I am ashamed, dammit! Leave me alone random psycho motorists!
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Why don't we just mace the fuck out of the little bastards while we're at it? Maybe Blair should have "hot sauced" Natalie every time she opened a quart of Haggen Daz? Maybe I'm the biggest fucking asshole on the planet? Maybe I didn't fucking sleep last night? Maybe the latte I had three hours ago is making my gut feel like it was the guest of honor at a boot party?
Where are the Bush twins when I need them?
"Jenna... did you see that picture of Gooch with Jenna Jameson? I'm so Jealous!
I need to pop a xanax (like Noelle Bush, my other favorite) and fucking crash. I'm living la vida stupid.
It's 5am. At 4:15am, my ex girlfriend called me. "Is everything alright?" I asked. "Everything's fine," she replied, "I just wanted to know if you had my email password. I used it on the laptop next to your bed [four months ago]and thought it might still be on there. Were you sleeping?"
It's wasn't on there. And I was sleeping.
Of course, now I can't get back to sleep.
My other ex girlfriend, Cheryl, and I went to dinner last night. After I left dinner, I called another girl that I used to date. What the fuck is wrong with me? I think I date girls in the hopes that we'll break up and become the best of friends. Who does that? I might have a date lined up for later this week that I'm nervous about, so there's hope for me to end my run of making out with mediocre girls on the well-lit dance floor of a country bar.
Fuckin' A.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Debuted the coolest T-shirt last night: a Trans-Am shirt from Zumies. My Uncle had the raddest Trans-Am when I was a kid. It had a $2500 stereo system (a lot in 1982) with analog VU meters.
Going to see Napoleon Dynamite tonight. Should be awesome.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Meanwhile, I got a speeding ticket last week, also on Highway 26. Fuck.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
I'm getting a little annoyed at buying a DVD only to have a "special edition" version released a year later. I'm going to have two copies of every cool movie out there... and sometimes the difference between the original and the "special deluxe directors platinum" edition is negligible. However, if you think I'm not going to run out and buy the new Goodfellas DVD, you're fucking crazy. I'll bitch about it, but I'll do it.
8:37am August 18, 2004: Gooch downloads his first country song on Bearshare, a peer-to-peer filesharing network. Also on this day: Cats start chasing dogs and an altar boy rapes a priest (The joke is that the "dog and cat" thing and the "priest" thing are as unlikely to happen as me downloading a country song, because I've historically despised country music).
Put in a good work day today. Legitimate stuff. Slept for nine hours last night, so of course I can't sleep now. Fuck. I've slept in my own house for three night in a row (counting tonight). I think it's a record since I've lived in Troutdale.
My commercial shoot on Monday went really well. I had to dress like it was cold outside, despite the fact that it was close to 90 degrees on the overpass where I was standing. They had to mop the sweat off my face during the close-ups. Ultimately, I played a great depressed guy. I brought a bottle of Jack Daniels with me that morning. The director said "we don't need any props for this shoot." I said "what props."
Just kidding.
I wish this blog bored me as much as it bores you; I'd be asleep right now.
Monday, August 16, 2004
The following post was written by a friend of mine, without my knowledge, who found my laptop on with the Blogger editing page logged in and open. My friend Kay wrote that. Well played, Kay... well played. It's the first time in the five years this website has existed that another person has written a (b)log entry. Last night was also the first time I let a girl ride in my car with her feet on the dashboard - also Kay (I've never met a girl who could just ride in a car with her feet on the floorboard). Kay's fortuitousness was added to when we replaced her $45/month cable service with a USB wireless ethernet adapter and successfully sucked internet service from someone else's wireless access point. This only usually works in apartment/condo complexes and if you're lucky enough to have someone close by with an open wireless access point. Buy a lottery ticket, Kay... you're on a roll!
Written by Kay in the style of Gooch: Hanging out with two of my girlfriends tonight. I was told that I speak much differently when I'm trying to get a piece of ass. Met a few new women lately but all are just "friends," what can I say? Women cant resist my metro-sexual style. Gooch OUT- got to get some dinner now!!
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Went out last night and closed down Duke's in Gresham, OR. There's an outdoor area cordoned off in the front of the bar. Despite the fact that it's well lit in that area, girls seem to talk to me a lot there. One invited me to an "after hours" party at her house with her and her friends. I started to say "sure, let's go!" and then the "game over" light in my big drunken head came on. Some instinctual self preservation mode that sent me right to a sober person's vehicle to get me to the nearest couch, on which I'd sleep. No after hours party. No hook-ups. Just sleep, baby.
And then, the hangover.
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
I have a wardrobe consultant, the mythological, diabolical, breakaballical, Nikki. She has gone clothes shopping with me, and picked out my existing clothes to wear before we hit the club. I've met a lot of people at bars and clubs lately (thanks to someone else dressing me for a change), but I'm learning that many shallow relationships do not add up to a meaningful one. It's fun trying, though.
I'm scheduled for another commercial shoot. The same people that filmed my original one over a year ago. It'll be for a clinical trial study like my first one. Should be fun.
Monday, August 09, 2004
I have a wardrobe consultant, the mythological, diabolical, breakaballical, Nikki. She has gone clothes shopping with me, and picked out my existing clothes to wear before we hit the club. I've met a lot of people at bars and clubs lately (thanks to someone else dressing me for a change), but I'm learning that many shallow relationships do not add up to a meaningful one. It's fun trying, though.
I'm scheduled for another commercial shoot. The same people that filmed my original one over a year ago. It'll be for a clinical trial study like my first one. Should be fun.
Saturday, August 07, 2004
(Click the title for the full story)
Blue Steel in effect, motherfuckers. The number one cure for liquor dick per clinical trials I've personally conducted in my home office. I'm getting Cialis next. The Cialis commercials state in their warnings that "erections lasting longer than three days may require immediate medical attention." Dr. Gooch suggests that erections lasting longer than three days may require more girls and time off work.
Friday, August 06, 2004
I'm Dead... bitch!
From the MSN story:
Cocaine's a hell of a drug... indeed.
Also in the story, it states that he likely died of natural causes. Um... he's Rick James and he's dead at 56. There's nothing natural about either one of those facts.
I'm Gooch, bitch.
Frequent Tanning May Signify Mental Disorder
Dedicated to Nikki (my best friend), Meggan (my ex-girlfriend) and me (my own worst enemy). Click HERE for the story.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
I was a good boy this afternoon. I met with friends, played pool, went to bed early. At 12:23, according to the Moto, I started getting prank calls on my cell phone. At first it was a chick's voice mimicking my "hellos" and "who's theres." Then followed a series of calls and hangups. I'm too old for this shit. I'm tired, yo.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
eBay item 5713321170 (Ends Aug-06-04 07:38:47 PDT) - Nokia 6800 (AT&T Wireless) With Accessories
Sunday, August 01, 2004
And parenthetically speaking of ex-girlfriends, Two exes and one girl I dated for a bit were all in attendance at the bar. I had intended to go on a binge. A bender. However, I have a history of being a drunken asshole and owed it to those three to show moderation.
Moderation - The scourge of my thirties.
Seventy dollars in beer interspersed with diet cokes and 20 bathroom breaks laid the foundation for a funky evening. Two girls said they'd show their breasts if this guy and I kissed on the lips. I discreetly informed one of the girls that I'd seen both of them naked at some point and sure as fuck didn't need to kiss a guy while wearing a gay looking shirt in a country bar. No sooner did I say that than the other guy wrapped his hand around the back of my head and pulled me in for a closed mouth kiss. He got what he wanted as one girl's shirt came up and - in a surprise move - another girl's pants went down.
We've got bush. - Dudley "Booger" Dawson in "Revenge of the Nerds"
The night progressed. "You were in fine form last night" is how a witness put it when I ran into him the next night. Two girls approached me with a camera phone and asked to have their picture taken with me. I obliged and then they askeed if I wanted to go to Shari's for breakfast. In the "Choose Your Own Adventure" book of life, here's where I decide to A: Go home with my friends and pass out on a couch or B: Go home with two girls and more than likely pass out on a couch. I chose B.
To Shari's we went. There was a group there that these girls were meeting. among the group were four hot 22-to-24-year-olds who apparently thought I was "cute" (according to one of the original girls from the club). One of the girls looked at me and mouthed "hi," which pissed off the guy next to her. I smiled smugly as this shit never, ever, fucking happens to me. I was in a zone, baby.
We cashed out of the Shari's and I hopped in the car with the original two girls. They ditched the twenty-somethings because they were "annoying." Fuck. We went back to an apartment where I figure maybe i'll get laid.
The apartment housed two Army guys who thought they were going to hook up with these chicks. It was a nightmare. I'm on the couch with the two girls and these two guys are in the less advantageous position. They had rooms with beds to go to. I was sitting on a couch. I was a guest of their guests. One of the guys pulled the "I need a shoulder rub" move on one of the girls and ultimately moved his head into her lap. "I'm so tired" he said, to which I responded "go to bed." The other guy just sat there in silent tension. I was in awe at his lack of game. I mean, fucking say something. Invite one of the girls into your room to show her your comic book collection. Anything. Instead, all he and his friend accomplished was a two-man-double-up-cock block. By separating me from the twenty-somethings the original two girls had also thrown a c-block. Everyone blocked everyone throughout the evening. John Madden with his digiboard couldn't have diagrammed the elaborate web of blocks that occured that Friday night/Saturday morning. I realized the stalemate I was in when 6am had approached and these two guys were just sitting there. One even asked if I had fallen asleep yet. Fuck you. I didn't ask to be brought there and if you think you're getting the better of me then kiss my ass. I may have low self-esteem, but I do have dignity, motherfucker.
Nothing happened the girls fell asleep, the guys went to their rooms (where they fucking should have been three hours earlier) and I fell asleep on the couch.
That morning's walk of shame took the form of a ride to my car. I got dropped off and went home, only to have to leave for a wedding in three hours. More on the wedding next post...
Friday, July 30, 2004
GOOCH:out on his best behavior.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Mystery News Story from Jenna, click HERE
Mystery DVD release from Mary-Suzanne, click HERE
Monday, July 26, 2004
Quote of the day: "I'm not used to seeing a Gallucci walk through that door before 10am" - My Dad's receptionist regarding my 8am service call. I've actually done more before 11am than I usually do all day.
I'm probably going to the zoo with my friend and his son today. All I have to do is get a Michigan office set up on email and I'm free for the day. Sweet.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
My newest addition to the office: an "Atari Games" blue-flourescent lit glass sign. Fucking sweet, yo.
Parties I missed yesterday due to work and an overactive sleeping gland: Bako's; April J (happy birthday), Kyle Mangino's bachelor party, and Jess Gillies, at whose house my Jello snorting took place.
As I write this, I'm not wearing pants.
Working from home tomorrow; might go to the zoo with some friends. Should have gone to the beach today, but my house had sunk to dirty levels beneath even my threshold. GOOCH:out
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
It was in the Aladdin where I stated to my friend (while playing video poker and buzzed as hell): "I'm going on a bender of chicks and fucking booze this summer. I'm gonna need to borrow your hot tub." I was also approached by a prostitute in the Aladdin. She would have "taken care of me" for $300. At that point taking care of me would have been getting me some Taco Bell and a glass of water, and calling me a cab.
And maybe a hand job.
I'm kidding.
Look who didn't drink himself to sleep last night and woke up in his own house... I was up until 12:30am watching season 2 of "Curb Your Enthusiasm." I cooked up two pounds of frozen shrimp, melted a stick of butter, and laughed myself to sleep while butter ran down my chin.
Monday, July 19, 2004
Ha fucking ha... indeed.I didn't even feel like drinking once I got home. I did, anyway, but you know what I mean. Alcoholics are only loveable in movies. Where's Dudley Moore when you need him? Oh yeah, he's fucking dead.
I got a decent work week scheduled. My heart keeps doing its stuttering thing. It's fucking annoying. Normally it's, well, normal. Sometimes it starts beating really fast for no reason... skips... or beats really slow. The lack of rhythm proves that my heart is, in fact, white.
Where's my ABBA CD... I need to get the fuck out of here. GOOCH:working
Thursday, July 15, 2004
My thermostat controlled fan just kicked on. It's at that stage where it turns on and off every two seconds because the actual temperature is hovering around the one set on the fan. It's absofuckinglutely driving me nuts. Almost as nuts as the fact that the fan's remote control needs new batteries, so I have to get up now.
I'm downloading some SNL "TV Funhouse" cartoons, because they're fucking funny. I'm looking for the Mr. T one in particular - I've never seen it.
I worked for five hours on a computer Tuesday for a computer repair place downtown. I couldn't fix it, and neither could the seasoned techs. The only thing more satisfying than a job done well is failing a job and having other people fail at it as well.
I'm going to try making a grilled cheese sandwich on the barbecue.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
hey keep in touch g money, i got myself a little 'blog' too over at
later mang
Response from Gooch:Good take on Drago. Did you really think a fat WOP like me wouldn’t have taken that into consideration? I mean, I thought about that shit, as well as Tommy Gunn who assaulted my senses more than he did Balboa in that awful conclusion to V (Tommy Morrison, who played Tommy Gunn, has AIDS, by the way, so don’t fuck him). I just got a little creeped out by the cold war propaganda that IV pushed on the viewers. Quite frankly, I don’t think steroids were bad in 1985. I think steroids were an ingredient in fucking Wheaties in 1985. No one gave a shit then. Drago didn’t have any really good lines… put Clubber Lang and Ivan Drago side by side, line for line, and tell me which one was more fun to watch? Put Ivan Drago’s monotone “If he dies… he dies” to Clubber Lang inviting Rocky’s wife back to his apartment in front of the city of Philadelphia and “My prediction… Pain.” Drago did kill Apollo, but Lang did shove Mick, which ultimately set in motion his death. That and the lack of response by medical support (Rodney King would have gotten quicker medical attention).
Good to hear from you, HUB. I noticed you quoted the “Wear Sunscreen” song in your blog. It’s sweet and touching, but I did one in 2000 for my final column at Portland State. Check it out, yo:
The Xanax Speech
Lightning, or more specifically, thunder woke and kept me up this morning at 3am. At 4am I had a smoked salmon salad and a diet Coke. I flipped the channels and came across Rocky III. Coming across a Rocky film on TV and turning the channel is akin to sitting down in the middle of the National Anthem. You pay your respects. Mickey, Rocky's trainer, dies in III. It's always been amazing to me that an old man showing signs of heart problems 10 minutes before a national heavyweight championship can lay on a table for two rounds of boxing without an ambulance whisking him away. All he gets is some doctor with a blood pressure cuff? He's got chest pains for chrissakes. Like there's no paramedics or ambulances at a packed coliseum for a heavyweight fight.
Mr T. played Clubber Lang, the greatest opponent Rocky ever faced. Mr T. found his acting niche in the 80s as an angry black man ready to kick ass. Don't dismiss his acting abilities. Mr T. delivers his lines in R3 like no one else can... on paper the lines don't look great. When he says them in the film, they kick ass.
Interviewer: Do you hate Rocky?
Clubber Lang: No, I don't hate Balboa. I pity the fool.
Interviewer: What's your prediction for the fight?
Clubber Lang: My prediction? Pain.
Clubber Lang: : I reject the challenge, 'cause Balboa is no challenge, but I'll be happy to beat up on him some more.
Not so great in print, but gold on the screen!
The Rocky and Godfather box sets belong in every film buff's library. Both have two things in common: Talia Shire is in all the films, and the last film in both series sucks ass. Rocky V? Godfather III? If the Roman's saw those movies, they'd take their numerals back.
Shit, now I'm tired. I only got IV hours sleep last night. I've got work to do today. I was going to segue into a diatribinal apology about how much of an asshole I've been lately and how I promise to clean up my act and how I used to use this website to exxagerate my real life partying antics and now I use it to play them down (no, really) but at this moment I'm as apologetic about that as I am about this run-on sentence. It'll take more than a seven minute Rocky styled training montage to get me in line, but I have been without a drink for over 30 hours now. Gotta start somewhere, right? I love my friends.
Fuck, I'm out of Mr. T. cereal again!
GOOCH: Pitying the fool since 1991!
Monday, July 12, 2004
Sunday, July 11, 2004
I spent a couple of hours laying out by the condo pool. My face is now soaked in aloe vera like some sort of green, soothing money-shot has coated my face. I look up the UV index on, as though I know what the fuck a UV index is and how it may pertain to my tanning experience. By the way, it's 80 degrees right now in Troutdale with a UV index of 2.
Scoping Star Wars Episode III on and while Jar-Jar Binks is back in the film (hopefully to meet a tortured, painful death), James Earl Jones appears to have been tapped to voice Darth Vader again. Fucking sweet... fresh Vader in 2005. One more reason to go on living.
Friday, July 09, 2004
Diaz Steamed and Steamy: Cameron peeved over sexy Internet video.
I've kickstarted the old download machine... we'll see what comes up. The Paris Hilton video actually has 30 minutes of color footage, much better than the night-vision looking excerpt that I thought made up the full flick. She was 19 when the video was made, Cameron was 19 when her video was made. When I was 19, I didn't get laid very much, but I knew to NEVER film myself having sex.
Jenna Bush + Gooch = Love 4ever (giggle giggle)
Jenna, we have so much in common. Our lives filled with lack of responsibility has given way to self destructive behavior. We go through life care free, knowing that any indiscretion we commit will be covered up by parents and/or friends. We've turned to the bottle, you and I. The bitterness of liquor on our lips gives way to a sweet euphoria that only raging alcoholics like you and I can completely understand. Inhibitions, worries, and clothes seem to disappear as the night and blood alcohol level goes on. We will find each other the way I've found most of my girlfriends. Shit faced drunk, in bed, in my condo. You have the Presidential seal on your condoms... that's hot. We'll make sweet love while my digital camcorder secretly rolls on and pass out in each other's arms. We awaken together, you'll look into my eyes and say those three words that I'd been longing to hear all night:
"What's your name?"
Your secret service attendants will hold your hair back as we both vomit in unison into my toilet. I'll sign the confidentiality agreement, you'll be whisked away in a black Cadillac, and I'll only have my love and a 37 minute digital video with which to remember you.
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Friday, July 02, 2004
"Tom Haggen... get me a burger, large fry, one of
those apple pastry things, an orange, a chocolate milkshake,
and a diet Coke. They've made me a Big Mac I can't refuse.
Marlon Brando, dead at 80.
Initial news reports as I write this state that the cause of death is "unknown." Um... He was 80 years-old and weighed about 10 pounds for every year he aged. What... are they gonna do an autopsy? Do they suspect foul play? Maybe it was AIDS? Or a cocaine overdose? I'd love to be in the medical examiner's room when they truck Brando in.
Police Officer: "Doctor, we need to know what killed this acting legend."
Medical Examiner (opening a can of PBR and eating an orange): Fuckin' look at him." (belches)
If more people went to Reno and were familiar with the "Awful Awful" burger at the Nugget in Reno, I could have captioned Brando with "They've made me an Awful I can't refuse." Oh, geez, with Brando's death, maybe the play on "Offer you can't refuse" jokes will die. I don't see an end in sight for the end of "Got Milk" variations.
Biography for Marlon Brando (IMDB.COM)
Fox News: Actor Marlon Brando Dead at 80
We here at honor, respect, and admire our fallen heroes who eat and drink too much and display little or no self control. If there's a happy hour in heaven, we'll see you there, Mr. Brando. Rest in peace.
Thursday, July 01, 2004
These photos were taken after I arrived back at the hotel, after my infamous "walk of shame" detailed in recent blogs past. Can you believe I was on the phone bawling like a school girl merely an hour before? Don't drink and drive, and certainly don't drink and dial.