Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Interesting. Right after I wrote my last blog, I went to a gym to resolve some computer issues for them. The manager, who I've known for about seven years on a work related basis, told me that I "have a great face, hair, eyes..." and that I'd "have girls flocking to [me]" if I lost about twenty pounds. He also told me that he normally has this conversation with girls (I'd love to see how that flies with the chicks). I appreciated his honesty.

I guess.

Oh, and just to answer some questions from some friends about last night... a haiku:

Eighteen year old date.
Former stripper at my house.
Watched TV, no sex.

The night went sour when she discovered (in a Seinfeldesque moment) that I didn't know her real name, only her stage name. Also, when she mentioned that I graduated high school when she was four.

Damn it feels good to be a gangster.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well... movin' right along aren't ya? have fun with that! nice peom by the way! kinda cheesy but, nice!