I went and saw "He's Just Not That Into You" Last night.
A few things: Not a bad film, a little long winded. Definitely could have resolved the 20 or so subplots a little tighter.
Scarlett Johannsen: Way more fuckable than I ever gave her credit for.
Drew Barrymore: Amazingly less fuckable with every year that passes.
Jennifer Connelly: Needs to go back to showing her breasts in all of her films. That face isn't cutting it anymore, sister.
Ben Affleck: What the fuck is up with those teeth? Are they caps? There's something so unnatural about that smile of his and it's not entirely his shitty acting. It's something...
Jennifer Aniston: Oh... she's full of classic bangability. Absofuckinglutely adorable. [sigh]
Decent movie; an interesting foray into relationships done in a way that multiple situations and circumstances could be explored simultaneously. I think anyone that watches it will relate in many ways to the different characters and types of relationships explored. I suggest, however that anyone who watches it does so in the comfort of their own living room with a rental copy.
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