Thursday, March 21, 2002

I was brought up Catholic. I met a lot of Catholic priests. No, I wasn't molested. My friends were, though. See, I was a fat kid growing up. A fat kid who apparently wasn't attractive to the priests in my parish. I remember sitting on the playground at my Catholic school, eating an ice-cream cone, giggling while little Billy was being dragged off to Father Laughlin's custom van.

The Pope spoke out today against child molesting priests. Great political move, by the way. One of the solutions being thrown around by the Vatican is to remove the rules against celibacy historically imposed upon Catholic priests.

Well, fucking great. Is the rationale here that priests couldn't have sex with women, so the next logical step is ten-year-old boys? I'm no saint, but I've always thought that consensual sex with a woman is significantly lower on the sin scale than child molestation.

Holy shit (so to speak).

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