Friday, April 07, 2006

Mind of Mencia: It's not even clever observational comedy. Oh... he's so outrageous and so controversial; No Holds Barred! Yeah... political correctness movement happened around the turn of the nineties and burned out around, say '96. Denis Leary led the anti PC comedic movement and quite frankly I burned out on it. So Carlos Mencia spends 1/2 his show telling old minority jokes and the other 1/2 talking about how offensive he is. When he makes fun of audience members you can tell when he's setting up and you're just waiting for him to get to the predictable punchline. And don't tell me it isn't annoying that he looks so fucking proud of himself when he gets a joke off. Pursing his lips together and raising his arms to his side... yeah Carlos, you've opened our eyes to the everyday atrocities imposed on minorities. You're a Mexican telling Mexican jokes. I give it another season, tops.

I haven't jerked off in three days. Maybe I'm a little bit edgy, but what i say is true.

In other news, I'm hopefully off to the coast today. Happy birthday Greg (4/5).

Audi 5000. G.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was so inspired by you (the blogging part, not your sustained mastubatory abstinence), I started my own blog. I have an impossible to memorize link here :

Oh, and I haven't ever seen this Mencia character, but he sounds pretty lame. My blog is probably not nearly as funny as a Mexican telling Mexican jokes, but hopefully someone will find it entertaining in some strange way.