You see, the coincidence here is that I just did some upgrades on the server and was working on the DNS system (an area in which I sometimes struggle) last night. When stuff breaks down after that kind of work, you don't worry that it's down, you hope that someone else fucked up.
Thursday, October 03, 2002
MSNBC: Struggling WorldCom Inc., one of the major backbone providers of networks that route traffic over the Internet, suffered a major commercial Internet outage beginning at 8 a.m. EDT on Thursday, according to a company that monitors Internet performance. Click the link for the full story. I'm sitting here, cowering in a corner with my flask, rocking back and forth muttering... "I didn't do it... [sip] I didn't do it..."
I'll break this down in short form: and several other websites are hosted on a server located in the panic room of the Gooch Compound. That server is connected to the internet through an internet service provider (ISP), similar to the way that most everyone with high speed internet access (or dial up) connects to the internet. The ISP connects to the internet through a "backbone provider," someone who connects them to the actual internet itself. Well, the backbone provider for my ISP went to shit this morning. It's back up, but appears to be spotty. I've been told that by noon it'll be okay. If you're unable to read this message, it's likely due to the issues referenced earlier in this paragraph. Please try again later.
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
[CNN] Police: 8 youths confess in Milwaukee death
What's almost as shocking as this murder is a passage from an AP report published in today's Oregonian:
Beating an animal? Did he say that out loud? Where was he when I was hunting bears?