I have no idea. Bitter End Pub, 2009.
Do you remember "ghost riding" your bicycle? It was when you would pedal enough to get some speed and then jump off the back. The payoff was watching your bike coast, unmanned, for a hundred feet or so.
I think that's pretty analogous of me when I'm drinking. It's sorta fun, but I have no idea what's going to happen, it's like nothing but momentum is governing my behavior. I'm more likeable when I'm super wasted, but I'd like to remember those moments that chicks like me and people think I'm funny/cool. I should have a camera crew. Also, I'm due for another beating. It's been a while.
That said, I've slacked a little bit this week at every aspect of my life. Except for the cat. The cat is fine. She does some weird shit like laying perfectly still in a random place on the floor. She looks dead, but I wake her up (pissing her off in the process) to find she's just sleeping. It's weird, though.
My computer, now dubbed the Millenium Falcon for it's ability to kick ass when it actually starts up, is getting jankier. It was used when I got it. I just had to fuck around with it to accept my 1TB drive, the new residence for my extensive porn and music collections.
Fuck, I'm hungry. It just hit me as I type this. Now you're asking yourself, is this an actual physiological phenomenon or is the writer (like the reader) realizing that this post is going nowhere?
Who cares? If I stop now, we both win.