Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Shit... skipping the workout today. Slept well last night, but I'm still a little out of it. I think my blood sugar is fucked up or something. My work schedule doesn't include daily sushi binges, burrito stand raids, or taking on an Alessandro's veal entree. Without my 11:30am regularly scheduled lunch I'm forgetting to eat. Yesterday, I had two Atkins bars then I went on a date where we had sushi.

It was one of those sushi-go-round places where to take multiple plates with small portions of sushi. This lends variety to the eating experience. When Gregster and I go out for sushi, we run up about a $35 lunch tab. Last night, on my date, she was full after a collective $13 of sushi was consumed between the two of us. I refuse to eat after my dates do because I'm so paranoid of being perceived as a fat bastard. So, after a movie, the date ended a bit early as myself and the 900 calories I consumed for the day retreated to bed for a seven hour slumber.

Can you imagine someone my size eating three of those little plates of sushi and exclaiming "oh yeah, I'm full, too?"

Montego's 05.12.07


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Entourage is actually a terrible show. I love it the way that I loved 90210; just don't think too much about it. Now that Vince fucked the manager, can he get back to Ari? Vince is kind of a pussy pain in the ass and seeing Ari cry over a picture of the two of them almost made me deep throat my .38 revolver.

I've got a red wine hangover, I'm watching Sopranos on On Demand, and drinking a bottle of Pelligrino water. In bed. Is that Italian or what?

I'm returning to Montego's for an evening of DJing and fun. I'll try to keep the alcohol out of my mouth and my penis in my pants. A recipe for success if I've ever heard one. May 12, 2007.

A hangover workout? It's coming up. Awesome! Maybe I'll start with a heavy set of tanning bed. Where's my bottle of Redline?

Have we really dragged Carmella's "spec house" storyline this fucking far? I could make a drinking game of doing a shot every time she says "spec" or "spec house." Does anyone else think that her voice is identical to Lois' in Family Guy?

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Will Vince fuck his piece-of-ass manager tonight on Entourage?

Did I "motorboat" a girl's cleavage with my face last night in a bar?

Will my body recover from last week's soccer game in time for next week's game?

Will Larry Birkhead come out of the closet now?

Did Playboy really send me a special issue dedicated to Anna Nicole Smith? She's dead... so here she is naked. Again. Back when she was hot. And coherent.

Did I really drink five vodka-Red Bulls last night?

No, it was six.
