Thursday, February 05, 2004

If you ask where the men's room is and the only response you get is "why?", you might be a Jackson.

If you've slipped rohypnol into Kool-Aid, you might be a Jackson.

If you've ever brought Play-Doh into the bedroom to "spice things up," you might be a Jackson.

If you find yourself sitting in a chair videotaping an apology, you might be a Jackson.

Janet Jackson is so full of shit. It's all working to her benefit (new single out in spring, 2004). Timberlake is saying that he didn't know what was going on and that he was "shocked." If this was all an accident, it was the best choreographed accident of all time. God... I'm really starting to not give a shit... wait... nope... don't care.

Monday, February 02, 2004

I'll get you naked by the end of this song... indeed. Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson put the 'XXX' in XXXVIII during the Super Bowl half time show.


Click HERE for Drudge story.

Three million twelve-year-olds spontaneously reached puberty during the half-time show at Super XXXVIII when Justin Timberlake exposed Janet Jackson's right breast at the close of their musical performance. CBS says they didn't know it was going to happen and I sincerely call "bullshit." They cut away from the stage really quickly, but they knew what they were doing. CBS was bombarded with complaints ranging from "my kids don't need to see that sort of thing" to "can I see the left one." It was only a split-second on screen, but I still managed to get a splinter when my enormous penis shot through my jeans and hit the bottom of the wooden table where I was sitting. If you blinked, you would have missed it, except for the 18-billion websites that will shamelessly post the close up pictures of the 'event' (like I did).

Still, this is the first time in recent history where the game was still more exciting than the half-time show.