I managed to catch the Hitchcockian Phone Booth on Sunday. In a nutshell: Colin Farrell plays a shady publicist who lies to everyone including his friends, cheats on his wife, and not nice to people in general. He's not a murderer or anything, just an immoral, unethical creep. Because of this, a sniper stalks Stu Shepard (Farrell) long enough to know exactly when he goes into a phone booth every day to call his girlfriend. Trapped in a phone booth and communicating with his "captor," a sniper in one of countless windows overhead, Stu Shepard is forced to admit all of his "sins" to his wife, girlfriend, and the public who have all gathered to watch the police spectacle.
So leading an immoral and unethical life is grounds to have a stalker hold you captive in a phone booth? Twelve hours prior to watching the film, I was in a private room trying to stick my tongue up some stripper's ass. While watching the movie I was sitting next to my ex-girlfriend with whom I tried to cheat on a prior ex-girlfriend. I stole cable, and I haven't bought a piece of software or a CD in three years. After watching Phone Booth, there's no fucking way I'm going to go into a phone booth ever again.
Bumper Sticker of the Week: I'm hung as Einstein and smart like a horse.
Swatch Update: As you've heard me bitch lately, my Swatch with a new battery hasn't been keeping the best of time. Turns out that the Swatch Store got a bad batch of batteries and my new one was indeed DOA. Got a new battery and it's been accurate for the last hour-and-a-half.