Saturday, December 29, 2007

I saw this video on a TV show and I had to find and post it:

Father Gets Revenge for Kidnapped Son

Went to a party last night where there was a stripper pole in the middle of the living room. Coolest thing ever. Girls fear it at first, but then are curiously drawn to it; like moths to a light. Add alcohol and, well, awesome.

Naturally, I'm hung over. Have to work today.


Friday, December 28, 2007

Britney (trainwreck) and Jamie's (teen pregnancy) Mother's book on parenting delayed indefinitely.

Lynne Spears was writing a book on raising kids? Not since Kathy Hilton got her own show teaching hillbillies "How to be a Hilton" have I heard anything so absurd. What's funnier is that Lynne Spears' publisher, Thomas Publishing, publishes "inspirational books and bibles." If Thomas will publish a parenting book from a Spears, maybe they'll publish a book on "how to meet girls" written by Andrew Luster, or a style tips book by Duane "Dog" Chapman, or a health and nutrition book by me.

I know I should be posting to this. I started jotting notes last night for a full length column, the first in a while. It'll be funny. I think. I realize that the old columns and pictures aren't available currently. I'll work to rectify that.
