Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Birthday Marty (11/23).

Last night we celebrated my best friend Marty's birthday by doing somewhat of a pub crawl. Through the course of the evening I drank Jack Daniels, Hefeweizen, Godiva chocolate liqueur, Bud Light and oh my fucking god I wish I'd throw up already. Met Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite at a bar last night. Fell asleep next to a girl that was psychoanalyzing me as I drifted off to sleep. Yeah, that's much more fun than a blow job. Thanks. Delve deeper... I might reach a full fetal position. I miss my child psychologist who let me hit him with a foam bat at the beginning of each session. Good stuff, but I guess I should think about what I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful for peer-to-peer filesharing and the abundance of music and porn it brings.

I'm thankful for the Nextel phone/walkie talkie and the call forwarding so I can get calls at all the places Nextel doesn't reach.

I'm thankful for antivirus software and antivirus condoms.

I'm thankful for asshole boyfriends and the noncommital sex from unhappy girlfriends they bring me.

I'm thankful for popsicle sticks and the vomitting I hope one brings me soon.

I'm thankful for Microsoft's mediocre products and the abundance of work they bring me.

I'm thankful for mail order Viagra pills and the good first (if only) impression they allow me to give.

I'm thankful for this website which celebrates (I guess) six years this month. I'm also thankful for the two girlfriends, two changes of residence, home purchase, college graduation, pregnancy scares, job I lost, business I began, friends I've made, friends I've lost, cars I've sold and purchased during the last six years. I need to settle down.

Not yet, but eventually.

Happy Thanksgiving.


I really hope I throw up soon.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Item #1: I apologize for the pussiness of that last blog.

Item #2: I performed a mock wedding on Friday at the Ash Street. If anyone was there, let me know how it went. I don't remember. Happy Birthday Brian and JNAU.

Item #3: I've officially deemed my mattress unsleepable. It hurts my back too much and needs to be refuckingplaced. It's made up and looks tidy. It's reserved strictly for sex and the obligatory post-coital cuddling. I'm on the couch this week until I replace it.

Item #4: First the hot-tub got fixed and now the digital cable at Marty's house is working. We watched two back episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Fucking sweet.

Item #5: How come it was okay for Ringo Starr and others to sing about 16 year-old girls? I hit the classic station on Sirius and caught a couple of tunes... "She's juuuust sixteen years old..." Sick Fucks. "Seventeen?" that's alright... keep Winger out of this.

Item #6: Do cartoonists in the funny/comics pages of the paper really need to keep making cute nods to each other? We get it... you're part of an exclusive fraternity and you think it's cute to put other peoples cartoon characters in your cartoons and to make funny inside jokes and references and fucking stop it already... make me laugh you fucks. Give me a reason (other than the Fry's ads) not to have the barrel of a .38 special for breakfast.

Item #7: Watched "Raging Bull" today. Robert DeNiro played boxer Jake LaMotta and Joe Pesci pretty much played Joe Pesci. The ending of Boogie Nights appears to me to be an homage to the ending of Raging Bull. Good movie. DeNiro and Pesci could do a kids' film and I'd watch it.

Item #8: I'm going to bed. Good night and good luck. You'll need it.