Friday, February 03, 2006

Gregster scooped me already on his website, but I/we are in fact moving the bulk of our home offices to office space rented from my cousin's business down the hall. We have a tattoo parlor as a neighbor, a bar downstairs, and a 7-11 across the street.

Location, location, location, indeed. I've got my crap all moved in and my home office is looking like any home's den, if that den happens to have a server or two.

Also... I haven't slept in 40 hours as I write this. Some time this morning I happened to catch the last episode of Knight Rider on SciFi. In the last scene of the last episode Michael Knight is standing on the beach and he decides to run on the sand to his car. I found it amusing that he ended one series the same way he started his next: Running on the beach. True story.

UPDATE: ( yeah, I looked it up) This was originally intended to be the season four finale, and a possible series finale, but "Voodoo Knight" replaced it, this episode is wildly accepted by most Knight Rider fans as being the "real final episode", as it gave Michael Knight's story arc of finding an identity in life a decent, gratifying conclusion.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

I just set up two 19" wide screen monitors side by side. The cursor goes between the two monitors and I have two desktops on which to work. You can only imagine how small my penis is that I'm compensating with this kind of setup.