I glided through a peaceful Christmas filled with friends and family. I wanted to go out tonight but decided, rather, to wash down some Tylenol PM with some Pepsi Max and let the caffeine/sedative mixture battle it out within my gut. Haven't had a drink in five months this Monday. Feels good. I haven't watched the food intake too much because food gives me the only ingestible pleasure I allow myself and I naturally don't eat as much since drinking hasn't caused me to do any late night food benders of 7-11 hot dogs, Burger King triple whoppers, or the entire left side of the Taco Bell drive through menu. "Empanada? What the fuck is that? I'll take five of 'em."
I think I'll actually pay attention to the diet. Leaner meats, no dessert with breakfast, small changes. I think January will see my return to a gym and/or organized exercise.
However, now I sit. I intend on doing nothing tonight. Rather I'm watching network television and making a list of grocery shopping and chores to do. Sort of a "honey do" list for a guy that lives by himself with a cat. Tomorrow I'll wake up and try to get shit done. Some people think I procrastinate but really I'm pulling back the string on a bow with the arrow being my productivity. That's what four straight hours of Netflix is. Me getting ready to get accomplish tasks.
Alright, get back to ignoring your families. Merry Christmas.