Still sick, missed soccer last night. We lost by one. I, on the other hand, had a beer, soup, fake NyQuil, and was in bed asleep before the match began.
My cat seems to not realize that her feeding is tied directly to her electronically timed feeder (known to her simply as "God"). She woke me up this morning at 4am. It's been the same feeding schedule for months; why is she bitching me out now? there's no logic to it. Cats and women are clearly cut from the same cloth.
I'm sick. I've got some loose business ends to tie up today. I've been a kickass little computer fixer this week. I'm going to move at the speed of Gooch this morning. That's right: tanning, gym, cash transfers, check writing, nose blowing, and a DayQuil bender the likes of which you have never seen.
Never before now.
I'm booked to do another wedding. No, not DJing, running the bachelor party, or fixing the church's computer. I'm the minister again. The couple wants the wedding to be fun. I should show up dressed as Darth Vader. Or at least a stormtrooper.
I like this HALO action right here: