Monday, December 17, 2007

[blog I forgot to post yesterday morning]:
Finished a job this morning and now I'm taking the rest of the day off for shopping and sushi. I've seen both "No Country for Old Men" and "I Am Legend."

No Country for Old Men should be titled "No Movie for Black People." I can't imagine any black person watching this (or I Am Legend, for that matter) without screaming "Don't go in there!" or "Oh no he didn't!" about 50 times.

Truth be told, white people in their 50s are the worst in theaters. As they watch the movie, they seem to discuss the films goings-on as a collaborative group effort. Hey, old people: just because you have trouble hearing doesn't mean we can't hear every speculation and comment you have to make during the course of the show. Go out for pie and discuss it afterwards. If you absolutely can't keep your mouth shut for a solid two hours, fucking learn to whisper.

You see how a made a broad generalization about black people and then recovered by turning my attention to a white subset of the population? Genius. God Damned genius.
