Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Gooch and the Furious

UPDATE 1:22pm: Added Twitter to the right bar of this blog. Also, I'm third row from the top, fifth from the left in the picture.

In work news, the wrong part came in this morning so I wasn't able to do my first job, which was to fix a TV tuner in a computer and visit with Juggsy McChesterowski or whatever the hell I named her. Bummer on so many levels.

In self adoration news, I've now linked Twitter updates to my Facebook updates. My journey to the Douche Side is now complete.

One cool thing about Facebook is that I have contact with friends I haven't seen in years. One shitty thing about Facebook is that I have contact with friends I haven't seen in years. I did, however find a picture post online. Funny shit (click for larger image):

St. Rose School (Portland, Oregon), 5th grade class, 1985

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Gooch Torino

Had a two hour sushi fest with a friend last night. I seldom am able to spend two hours with anyone for that period of time. Once the conversation turned to the quirks of our pets, it was time to go. That should just be a rule for anyone: When the conversation turns to the number of times you clean the litterbox... just go home.

Unless you're elderly. Or insane. Then talk away.

After a few drinks with another friend on another night, I was told that my Natasha Richardson post was horribly offensive and that it indicated to her that I had "changed" and that I was a "dark and cynical person." That was the moment? I've got so many more awful moments on this site. I mean, what's funnier about a guy worrying about decorum when he jerks off? I think it's hilarious to worry about something that no one would ever know about, you know, like what's in a dude's spank bank. I've just got a unique sense of humor and maybe I write shit that I simply think is funny and hope that others will too, but that's not entirely my concern.


Conversation in Vegas:

Mike: "Dude, don't get me wrong, I think you're funny, but do you ever find yourself in a situation where you say something that you think is funny but it offends other people around you?"

Me: "Oh, fuck yeah."


Well, have to go now. Those kittens and puppies aren't going to kick themselves, you know!

Evel Goochevel: out

Monday, March 30, 2009

Morning Wood...

Megyn Kelly. Why can't I quit you?

I guess my funny joke in Vegas had already been made into a poster. I took this picture while urinating in the bathroom at Morrison Hotel in Portland.