Saturday, September 30, 2006

It's 2am. I have to be at Gregster's at 6am to roll to a computer installation job in Salem so that we can be done in time to go to a roller derby event. I have five monitors stacked in my hallway and Greg's got five computers in his garage. I got the easy end of the product acquisition portion of the job.

There's time to sleep when you die? Fuck, I like sleep. I only got three hours Thursday night. I had dinner with my Dad Friday afternoon and went next door to the restaurant where my office and, more importantly, my hide-a-bed are located and slept until midnight.

I'm thinking about writing a book: "How to Live in Portland on $200 a day." Dating, drinking, eating steak, and strip clubs. How do I justify it? Hey... it's not like a have a coke addiction.

So now I'm up, home, had some Carl's Junior, watching some E! channel. Been a busy week. End of the month, office day Sunday - gotta get billing out. I never thought I'd be working this hard/much without adult supervision. I guess this is growing up.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A few post scripts:

Props to Gregster... I mean Giggery for supplying the cabin in which the group stayed this last weekend.

Julie: I'm not sure what an ode is, now that I think about it.

I paid the Landlord (of comments fame) for this and next month's rent, lest anyone infer that I was broke.

Gooch: The Blog 9/26/1984: Saw Purple Rain this week... finally. Man, I would fuck the hell out of Appolonia. I don't know what's more gay... Prince or the purple motorcycle he rides in the movie. Man, I give that guy's career another couple years, tops. I don't know what it is, you have to look like a chick to get chicks. This sucks. Also, I've determined that I'll never figure out the Rubik's cube, so I've decided to move on. Yeah, I see you fuckers at recess, and yes it's evident that you have superior intelligence because you got all six sides matching colors. Great way to spend the day, you schmucks. I couldn't find my calculator watch this morning, which sucks. I did wake up wondering which Go-Go I want to impregnate. Wow, I have a lot of sexual energy for being 10 years old. I'm sure that will go away soon. I can't imagine going through life wanting to pork everything that moves. Did I just say pork?

It's always a toss up between Belinda and Jane.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I'm so refreshed. I layed on the beach and looked at the stars. I saw a shooting star and made a wish. My wish? Another shooting star. Then I'd wish for another one on top of that... then the next one. Sweet. I also walked along the sand, joined in making s'mores at a campfire on the beach and slept longer then I had in the last two weeks.

Someone put a large billboard on top of an antique shop in Lincoln City (Oregon, where I stayed) with black on white text stating "PORN PUTS CHILDREN IN HARM'S WAY" with a silhouette of a man with both arms chasing the silhouettes of a little boy and girl.

Porn doesn't put anything but maybe Kleenex in harm's way. No one watched a Jenna Jameson movie and decided to pump a three year old. When you make statements so ridiculous you only get ignorant people to believe in your cause. You only get people who don't think to ask "why or how does porn put children in harm's way?" I wouldn't want people like that on my team.

A big shout out to Julie who is leaving Pub 181 to pursue nursing school full time. Free at last, indeed.

Sorry if the last blog left people feeling... dirty. I'm much better now.
