Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Shit... skipping the workout today. Slept well last night, but I'm still a little out of it. I think my blood sugar is fucked up or something. My work schedule doesn't include daily sushi binges, burrito stand raids, or taking on an Alessandro's veal entree. Without my 11:30am regularly scheduled lunch I'm forgetting to eat. Yesterday, I had two Atkins bars then I went on a date where we had sushi.

It was one of those sushi-go-round places where to take multiple plates with small portions of sushi. This lends variety to the eating experience. When Gregster and I go out for sushi, we run up about a $35 lunch tab. Last night, on my date, she was full after a collective $13 of sushi was consumed between the two of us. I refuse to eat after my dates do because I'm so paranoid of being perceived as a fat bastard. So, after a movie, the date ended a bit early as myself and the 900 calories I consumed for the day retreated to bed for a seven hour slumber.

Can you imagine someone my size eating three of those little plates of sushi and exclaiming "oh yeah, I'm full, too?"

Montego's 05.12.07


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