Friday, November 30, 2001

I just heard Britney Spears in an interview say that Rolling Stone "enhanced" her breasts on their latest cover. Actually, Britney, your parents enhanced your breasts when you were 17. If computers were that powerful, I'd spend more time on Photoshop then on internet porn.
< I'm not that literate.

I hurt my back a couple of days ago and now I'm bedridden. Some genius needs to invent a ceiling mounted television. I'm sure the liability on such an appliance would be pretty extreme, but I really could use it right now. Anyone have any duct tape?

Days off of work are wasted on the sick and injured.

Anyone have any ideas about what I should do with Let me know.

Also, I did an email link on one of my logs that went to "" and I've gotten three of the same virus sent to me from three different people. One of the senders was Giba Gallucci. Same last name, but no relation. Fucking weird.

Sorry for the lack of updates. Been busy. Ben Gay. Ben Gay on my back. It hurts.

Email your love to me:

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