Thursday, April 18, 2002

It's amazing how I'm against turning 28. Oh, I'm only 900 short from the 10,000 I wanted. Life's full of disappointments. I'm going on a bender tonight. Text page me and you, too, can pay for my drinks.

Oh, big stink here in Oregon about assisted suicide. I'm sick of hearing about it. Physician assisted suicide has been around for years:

Doctor: What seems to be the problem?

Patient: Gee, doc, I can't seem to sleep.

Doctor: Oh, well, I'll prescribe a shit-pot full of sleeping pills for you

Patient:Thanks, Doc!

liquor store employee: What can I get you?

Patient: A bottle of Jack Daniels, please.

Everything has to be made into a Federal fucking case around here. No one can just do shit on their own. I have remote start on my car. I don't have to be near my garage to fill it with carbon monoxide. It's ideal for the busy person who needs to commit suicide.

Fuck off, it's my birthday (tomorrow).

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