True story, unfortunately. I still laugh at him for it, 15 years later.
I promised to give someone a computer and two nights before I was to deliver said computer, it crapped out. What the fuck? Now I'm scrambling through my computer graveyard for another Pentium II (Pentium IIIs are reserved only for those who have performed fellatio on me. You don't want to ask about the Pentium IVs) and what's cool (or sad, depending on your view of geeks with offices filled with computers) is I found one. Sweet!
I now have Five (5) neon signs up in the office. Now I'll feel more natural when I drink while I work. I'll put on my bouncer shirt and if a customer gives me shit, I'll throw him down the fucking stairs. Unless he or she is bigger than me, then I'll crawl under my work table and cry until they leave. Then I'll do the honorable thing and put a BB gun in my mouth. What happened to going down with the ship? Anyway, it's a strange world out there.
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