Monday, October 27, 2003

I was illin' in need of penicillin but now I'm chillin' like a villain with a bouncer gig as a fill in but last night I was drink spillin' today I'm sharp like a porcupine quill an' filled up on Hydroxycut so now I'm able and willin' did a lot of work so now I'm billin'...

Shake it like a Polaroid picture: I dig the new Outkast track "Hey Ya." The first time I heard it I knew it'd be some funky hit. I've had it on the mp3 player for a while now. Can't get sick of it.

Stop the planet... I want off: Macho Man Randy Savage, aging wrestler, has released a CD titled "Be a Man." OH YEAH, indeed.

Embrace the wife beater: I've gotten back into the T-shirt wearing world with a purchase of the wife-beater styled, or "Athletic cut" T-shirt. Combined with the bad-ass shirts on which I maxed out my Meier and Frank card and my gold chain, I look like a bloated Ricky Martin.


I think the clock is slowwwwww.... After enough Jack Daniels to sedate, well, me, I sang Van Halen's "Hot for Teacher" at a Karaoke bar last night. The second I finished, you could hear crickets chirping following by some pity applause. Fuck all 'yall: I kicked ass. I know when I suck at karaoke and I can honestly say I knocked it out... made the song my own... oh fuck it.

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