Monday, July 31, 2006

Did you know that shots of Patron tequila cost $9.00 a shot at most places? I didn't until I started buying rounds of them for people I barely knew. It's just money, right?

"I read your blog... I think you're on a path to self destruction." - a reader.

I love that Mel Gibson shouted anti-semitic remarks during a DUII arrest. I mean, this makes him the most powerful anti-semite since Hitler. If his Passion of the Christ movie didn't prove that he hated Jews, then this should. No one, except for Hitler, has spent so much money getting people to hate a group of people.

The only thing Gibson has made me hate is every movie he's made since Mad Max.

Fuck Mel Gibson.


Anonymous said...

are you referring to MY comment to you Saturday night??? Love ya baby!

Anonymous said...

$9 isn't bad, they are $10 in LA. But, you can get a whole bottle for 46.99 at Ralph's...

God luck tucking that shit in your shirt though.