Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Just chillin'

At home in my chambers watching Judge Judy while the A/C unit cools away. I sunburned myself yesterday. The sun has always been my friend. It brings me warmth... and tan. How could it injure me so?

I've dropped another 6 ounces. This eating right and exercising is really paying off. It's awesome being the fattest jogger on the track. I'm going to look like James Belushi when I'm older.


I'm hungry and I need a drink. What time is it? Six PM?

Fuck again.

Entourage better kick up some better plotlines. They finally made Billy Walsh somewhat more bearable to watch. Anthony Michael Hall pissing off a balcony was a nice touch. I actually did that at a bachelor party at the Doubletree at Lloyd Center.

I have no desire to leave this room. I have the internet, television, and air conditioning. If somehow a pizza got delivered I'd be the happiest man alive. Okay, if a pizza and a blowjob got delivered.

Then I'd be content.

Wow, Gooch. A pizza and blowjob reference. Really pushing the bounds of comedy, eh?

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