Monday, September 07, 2009

She's Just Not That in to Gooch

In a douchey endeavor and at the suggestion of a good friend, I joined I received my first rejection notice. Apparently, there's a "Not Interested" button people can click. I've already emailed Match, asking that they provide (for an extra charge, of course) a "Fuck you, you fucking lesbian" button.

Just kidding, I'm not as jaded or angry as some might think. Sure, those of you lucky enough to regularly encounter me in real life might think I'm a bitter prick, but I'm just going through an adjustment period.

Yeah, that's it. Meanwhile, don't forget to check the twitter posts to the right of this blog. I've been railing on the Kennedy theme for a bit. Perhaps taking the joke a little too far for a little too long. Fuck it, it's funny to me.

Coasting through a good weekend. I stayed around the house, hung out with friends. I napped a lot. I ate too much and paid the overindulgence pennance by working out.

I started a script for a new podcast; should be good.


1 comment:

picturegirl503 said...

I like the bitterness. I fit right in :)