Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines Day chafes my balls.

I'm actually leaving town tonight to go to an "anti" Valentines day party far from here.

One of the gay Facebook Themes lately is this gem of a "copy and paste" update:

♥ Valentine week ♥ , so change you profile pic to you and your sweetheart, and tell us how long you have been together!

I've been waffling between taking a picture of my hand next to my face, or one of my "porn star" (like Jenna Jameson, above) pictures from ten years ago and posting it with that post.

Oh, I'm starting to find Facebook unintuitive. I'm posting stuff on it, but not finding it worth the effort to try and read other people's posts.

Going to try to milk some more espresso from the perfectly tamped grounds I got my first cup from this morning. Today had best move swiftly and awesomely.


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