Friday, January 07, 2011

From the Book of Face... at the 11:11

This exchange occurred on Facebook. A guy that I've known for a while that gives himself nicknames and has delusions of grandeur at times wrote this and I responded. He cited a story and commented that he'd been talking about this phenomenon happening for years and no one believed him. Well, read the rest. He's a friend, but I could make an entire website out of shit that he says like this.

[quoted news story:] Shift of Earth's Magnetic North Shifting

Dino Mangino I said this was happening... I said two years ago that I thought the magnetic pole was shifting, I said it last year a few times... people didn't believe me... and looks like I was right.

John Gallucci I'm sure the world's scientists will watch your Facebook updates more closely now.

Dino Mangino
They should as it seem I am more intelligent than a lot of them. Its not the first time I've been right on what scientists eventually come out with.

Juanita Burney Perhaps scientists have been screaming this type of info for years and just now the media is finally reporting it.

John Gallucci
No, I'm sure that Kyle was the lone voice of this geological phenomenon and the scientific community was obviously too quick to dismiss him.

Dino Mangino
I am the lone voice- out of the people I know.
If I'd had stayed on my original educational objectives, I'd have been one of those "crazy" scientists who you find out 20 years after their deaths, that they were 100% correct on things.
I have... been studying science since going to OMSI once a weekend from the age of 5 on ... and always spend at least an hour a day reading up on current science issue

John Gallucci
So you were right about the poles shifting based on current science issues of which you read an hour a day. The material, presumably, is written by scientists. So are scientists not listening to you or just to the other scientists that wrote what you read? And unless the people you know are runway painters (or compass makers, I guess) they probably didn't not believe you, they just didn't care. It's like "I totally said that Apple was coming out with an kickass mp3 player and no one believed me. Because they hadn't read that issue of MacWorld yet."

John Gallucci I like that you aspired to be a scientist that no one believed until you'd been dead for two decades. I mean, to claim that you'd be twenty years ahead of all worldwide scientific academia if you'd stayed in science class is remarkable. I must have gone to different OMSI tours than you did. Happy New Year, btw.

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