Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Here's a glimpse into my crib, yo. As soon as the office is complete, I'm going to do a picture gallery. It'll be like MTV Cribs, but more on the ghetto-fabulous tip. Living room, TV view; the computer at the lower left portion of the picture is on a wireless network and pulls music from my workstation computer upstairs, and streams music into the stereo. They make audio components that do the same thing now, so I might save up and get the computer out of my living room. The Yoda cardboard cutout came from a good friend who worked at Hollywood Video. The lava lamp was what I used to look at while I listened to the radio and went to sleep. I've had that entertainment center longer than I've had most of my friends. It's more reliable, too. I couldn't get rid of it.The Star Wars poster at top center was given to me by an ex-girlfriend (not the last one, the one before). It's a reprint of a Ralph McQuarrie concept painting for Star Wars.


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