Sunday, December 17, 2006


Went to an "ugly sweater" party last night (hence the picture, above). Drank a lot of whatever a bartender friend of mine was mixing. Oh, yeah... and Jager shots. I'm intrigued by the picture because it looks like a picture of me in high school, not a 32 year-old.

Looks like a weight loss ad... before and way before - Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri in Sopranos. Me and Nikki from June and December 2006, respectively. I'm so fucking sick of salads.

Woke up this morning and watched three episodes of Sopranos. Whenever Comcast puts new episodes on On Demand I'll piss away three hours a day until they're watched. Fuck, I love that show. I'm working on writing a full length column on how I believe they're going to end the series. Based on my knowledge of gangster films and their history, and consulting with a book I have on the subject, I think I'll be on the mark.
Gotta go to Mom's house for dinner.

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