Monday, January 29, 2007

Man attacked by mountain lion and saved by his wife fights for his life

Copied and pasted from the story:
70-year-old Jim Hamm
Hamm's wife, Nell, 65

The couple celebrates their 50th wedding anniversary this year, according to CNN Newschannel. There's a math problem for you. A 20 year-old marrying a 15 year-old? I see why they call the fifties the "good old days." MSNBC has an entire series based on catching these "predators." Maybe Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC should pay Hamm a visit at the hospital. I think the mountain lion was actually dispatched by

And the #1 sign a date has gone horribly, horribly bad:

Found in my recycle bin:
a Microsoft licensing certificate worth $500 that I purchased for a customer. It was next to the newspapers I hastily threw in the bin. I lost a remote control that way when I lived with my ex.


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