Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Has anyone... like the last four remaining people watching network television, seen the show "Moment of Truth?" I haven't, but I've read some synopses of it from The premise is that someone is asked a bunch of questions before the show while hooked up to a lie detector. Then, the person is on stage in front of an audience and his or her family and asked the questions again. Their answers have to correspond with what their lie detector results were. Here's an example:

Question #8: As an EMT have you ever knowingly falsified a report?
Dad says "that could cost him his job." Nicole calls it unfair. No one whacks
the button though. Answer: Yes (True) Aaron only looks a little worried. NMM
wonders why nobody chose the button option. Dad says they're saving it for a
really hard one. In his defense Aaron says no one has ever died. (Presumably, he
means as a result of his falsifying a report).

Read the full synopsis HERE.

Shout out to Troy, a charter member of the Portland Rat Pack.


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