So I'll take care of the house, put something besides condiments in the fridge, put some wine in my empty wine fridge.
A girl I've been dating may stumble on this site soon. She's smart, she can Google, she can spell my last name. I've asked her not to visit the site. I feel the temptation is overwhelming and she'll ultimately ignore my wishes. If this site cockblocks me I swear to God I'm pulling the plug.
Of course, people can't help but love me with my five year old epic: The Breakup Column. It's a timeless piece that holds up after two additional failed relationships. Girls that I date either love it or find me a little jaded and undesirable after reading it.
Others think I should write something new and not hold on to a piece of unpublished writing that's half a decade old. And by "others," I mean me.
Some people play "hard to get." I play "hard to want." - Andrew Dice Clay. I think.
I am Gooch, hear me bore.
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