Waiting for the caffeine to kick in so that I can go for a run. Our soccer "club" if you will (and if you won't, then fuck yourself) consists of one team that broke off into two groups. The NW team consists of mostly novice players, including myself and three close friends. We have a lot of fun and are certainly not novices when it comes to drinking after the game.
The SW team consists of the club Captain, and some of the best players in the city. Even better, the captain hosts these players from outside the United States to help with soccer camps she coordinates. Sometimes these players will sub in on her team.
Let me explain something: If a person is speaking english, and the accent is so thick that I can't understand what the fuck they're saying; they're probably a damned good soccer player. It's mathematical science. Ozzy Osbourne is likely the greatest soccer player alive and just doesn't know it.
I played once with some of these players from overseas. I think one of them was discussing the pros and cons of the semi-pro contract he was thinking of signing when he got back to the UK. When someone is that good and I'm, you know, me... do I really sub out for him during the game or just let him play the entire duration because he's totally fucking awesome and in the shape to do so?
To my credit, I got a mercy pass during a playoff game from one of these players and I took the ball downfield and scored. I felt like I'd validated my existence during a game that I would otherwise be more of a hindrance than anything else. The goalie I scored on then was and is a fucking douchebag. And I think he called me fat once, too. Fuck him.
Both the NW and SW teams are playing against each other tomorrow night at 9:40p. I don't think anyone from Manchester United is playing on the SW team then, so we might be okay except that the other players are actually really good too. Fuck.
I really want to run three miles today. I hope I can do it. I'm slipping on the diet a bit. Too many opportunities to go out to eat and to do anything besides work out. Also, my switching to beer as a vehicle to inebriation will not help things I'm sure.
I'll try to post more this week. I didn't drink at all last night but I'm trying to offset the financial hemmoraging I did last week. Did fucking everyone have to be born this month? What happened nine months and thirty something years ago that made everyone want to have unprotected sex?
I've gotta go. Adding diet pepsi to my caffeine mix. Should be a good run.
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