< A man shot to death in the middle of Downtown Portland, OR after a fight over a bottle of Xanax.
The shooting death occurred dangerously close to me (see the log below). I'm a big fan of Xanax. I crumble it up and sprinkle it over cereal. I mix it in with my Tic-Tacs. I never thought that goddamned Xanax could lead to criminal behavior. It leads to fucking apathy. That's it. Why a shooting? I mean, I can kind of see what the fuss is about. While the headlines here in Portland are asking "Where is the shooter" (who, as I write this is still at large) I was asking if anyone saw where the bottle of Xanax went... like maybe they dropped it or something.
While society goes right to hell, I feel the need to bring out an old favorite of mine... a classic from back when I wrote columns instead of these stupid logs.
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