Tuesday, July 08, 2003

You... Dumb... Fuck...
Damon Stoudamire arrested for drug possession

...[Metal] Detector set off [by] Stoudamire [as he] was preparing to board a plane for New Orleans when he placed a plastic bag wrapped in aluminum foil and other personal belongings into a tray after they set off an airport metal detector.

Security officials summoned police, who asked Stoudamire what was in the aluminum foil. He responded: "You know what it is," the report states...

Yeah, they'd know what it is Damon because you've surpassed Isiah Rider as the KING OF ALL POT SMOKERS in Portland. Congratufuckinglations. You know what's dumber than taking illegal drugs wrapped in ALUMINUM FOIL through a metal detector? The Blazers are going to send Damon to rehab. The concept of going to rehab for marijuana "addiction" was a joke in the movie Friday but is real life in the Blazers organization. Maybe I should go to jerking-off rehab or Grand Theft Auto rehab? Is there a stupidity rehab? Damon graduated out of the same high school system that I did. I guess marijuana addiction is one of the unavoidable pitfalls of athletic success. I haven't even smoked marijuana since becoming unemployed because I DON'T WANT TO BE AN UNEMPLOYED GUY SMOKING POT. Now... last weekend was an absolute fucking alcohol bender. Morning, day, noon, night.... beer, beer, beer, Bacardi. And I loved every minute of it, baby.

Speaking of a healthy lifestyle... I've gotten a couple of sessions at Colin Hoobler Physical Training in northwest Portland. Good stuff, great trainers. Tell them that John Gallucci (that's me) sent you so I can get free sessions.

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