Friday, April 21, 2006

I didn't feel old until I told a friend of mine that a lady he works with is "an older chick I'd throw it in" (meaning I'd have sex with her - but not now because I have a girlfriend).

My friend informed me that the lady in question is a year younger than me. I... I looked at a woman as "older," and she's younger than me.


I guess if you average the age of my, um, conquests (isn't it funny how you can preface anything with "um" and it's universally known that the word(s) to follow will mean sex?) for the last year or so; it's about 22. You make what you want of it; I have no idea. I didn't even think about it until I had to write that last sentence and pull out the masterlist.xls Excel spreadsheet.

My Birthday "Party" is tonight:
Montego's Strip Club.
My shift starts at 8pm
21 and over.
15826 SE Division - Portland


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it isn't masturlist.xls?