Wednesday, February 28, 2007

...And chin work! That's what else Jenna Jameson did... a chin implant. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ - bring that plastic surgeon before me, to the court of Gooch and I will dole out swift and merciless justice. I mean, did Jenna hold up a picture of also-a-bit-past-her-prime Houston and say "make me look like this?"

Porn favorite Houston; a before and after. What a fucking tragedy. Plump lips might look good, but swollen, infected looking lips do not.

How many other porn stars are doing this? I mean, I wonder if something went wrong in their childhood that would put them in the mindset to do this? It's as if they're trying so hard to gain the approval of strange men because of issues they might have had with their absentee fathers.

Damn... some people are concerned with Katrina victims, AIDS, cancer... I've spent a chunk of time addressing a cause that I hold dear to my heart: The unnecessary plastic surgery of porn stars.

Some people might not know that Jenna Jameson, the brown alligator below, is currently 32 years-old.

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