Monday, February 26, 2007

Just got done at the gym and don't really have time to post this blog, but I will.

I think I'd do better on the treadmill if I was holding a stolen stereo or something. Running for the sake of running doesn't make sense to someone with the fat gene; it's impractical.

I saw my friends' baby for the first time since he was born. I haven't gushed over a kid like that in a long time - you'd have thought that he was my child.

Went to my friend Betsy's birthday on Saturday. The best part was the canldelit cake/happy birthday song: Her boyfriend, my friend Greg, was so nervous about dropping the cake as he carried it out to the living room to surprise Betsy that he walked past her - she actually had to move out of his way - so that he could walk into the living room, where he assumed she was. Good times.

Alright. To the shower.

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