Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Here's a little something while I try to think of funny shit to write about. So far, I've got something alluding to gay people role playing in the bedroom. Otherwise, nothing. What I've got above is a presentation of the history of cell phones from 1985 to present. I remember the first cellular phone call I ever made. It was in 1990 to my friend John Barr. He wasn't home, so his Mom answered. So... my first cell phone call ended up being to Phyllis. I think the conversation went something like:

"Is John there?"
"No... he's not"
"Oh... (anticlimactic tone follows) I'm calling from a car phone except it's one you can carry around."
"He'll be back later..."
"You see... the phone isn't in the car... I'm just walking around downtown on my Dad's friend's phone."

Honestly, the conversations haven't gotten better since then.


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