Sunday, June 01, 2008

...and counting...

...There it is. Sweet.

You know how Lucy always convinces Charlie Brown to try to kick the football as she holds it and at the last minute she always inexplicably pulls the ball away at the last second causing CB to fly through the air and land on his back?

It's all I can think about as I give iTunes another shot at managing my Holmesian sized music library. I've crashed iTunes more times than my parents' cars in my teen years. I'm using a different computer with a lot more horsepower. The suspense is killing me.

I've got 1.3 terabytes of storage on my home computer at this point. This consists of 190GB of music, 2GB of useful data, 500GB of backups, and 300GB of pirated movies and porn. That means that more than half of my data storage can get me dumped, or arrested. Fun!

Back to the grill.

Happy Birthday, Sarah B!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes, John G.! Is it wrong that when I make the Gooch column I feel like a celebrity...... :) SB